I need some characters ASAP! (INK)

Hey guys! My main character is in high school and I need many characters and I don’t have the creativity to make ten to fifteen or more characters for my school. Please comment down below your details and outfits.
Thank you guys!! I will pick the top three to be some of the main roles!!
Main Roles: (CLOSED)
@Sania as Shiza
@elaf as Elaf
@Fakiha as Fiza
@S.Dsana as Sneha
@Eva123 as Eva
@annaclaire721 as Annaliese
More spots are OPEN!!!


Hiiiii I want to be

Name Shiza
Skin tone light
Faceshape soft heart
Hair beach wave
Eyes round bold
Eyebrows seductive arch
Nose upturned
Lips classic bubblegum pink
Description Shiza is a normal high school girl
Outfit wear formal dresses

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Thanks!! You are one of the MAIN roles!!

Thx a lot she is my sis

Can i also be in?

Name Fiza
Skin tone beige
Face shape soft heart
Hair braid crown updo
Eyes round classic
Eyebrow seductive arch
Nose upturned
Lips blossom lips (purple)
Description she is @Sania sister she is very flirty and average in studies

NameName Sneha
Skin tone- light
Faceshape- soft heart
Hair- Long Featured, Black
Eyes- Upturned bold, Black
Eyebrows- Defined natural
Nose- Refined
Lips- Blossam lips , blush
Description- Sneha is @Sania’s best Friend and she is a bold girl and excellent in studies…

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Yes, you are the last MAIN role!

Thx a LOT!!!

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Woah my sis bestie?

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Please no negativity in my thread.

Please take it to PMs.

No negativity is here

I was just having some fun

She can be her bestie if she would like. I can make you and your sister sisters if that’s what you want.

Yup that would be me…


Are you angry with me? I was just KIDDING