I need some encouragement

Finding a motivation as to what keeps you going on that path. In other words why did you word it this whay, what motivates you do make a character look that way, etc. rather than “this sucks I sould restart” or "I feel there an error and I will focus on finding it by deleting everything I spent hours on.
As far as pulling from motivation, find what keeps you going for me that the want to share my story and finding inspiration from things around me. It;s also making outfits. characters with personalities, etc.

For some people coding motivates them to stay on track and some people its writting, it really depends on what makes you most happy.

I would recomend finding what motivates youwrite it the first way you did and then only edit things that really need to be changed like punctuation, spot directing, zooms, weird wording, etc. And then also fiinding you style of planning if you don;t have one already, for some ppl a simple jist of the dialouge and animations works better for others it’s a strict/ set wirding and fully planned out dialogue, characters and animations. This thread has some ways of in which people code (so maybe you can get an idea of your style): Do/did you write your story out on paper or while publishing? and theres this one Questions About Story Planning