I need some fast done backgrounds

who can do a warning background and another music background

or even some text overlays that are abt warning and music

I do not mean to be annoying but I want em so fast plz if you can tell me I want em to be unique

I will credit you for it

I can help you

ohh ty
wht can you do overlays or backgrounds
plz do not do it if it was hard for you I do not wanna be annoying

I can do overlays and backgrounds

like backgrounds with matching overlays ?

Yes @frostyfish

ohh thank you so much actually

my story name is : from hell to happiness
plz do something related to this theme but btw it is romance not action or killing

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Which backgrounds do you want ?
Kitchen etc

Do you need covers ?

I need a cool background that will fit with the words on the overlays for if u want a story example to know wht I mean tell me

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any way look at the story : I despise you (warning page and music page) that is wht I want to do but in a more romantic way

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@Chesirekitten101 have you got the point ?
and did you started working on em ?

You want a Splash right

idk wht is splash I am new, u saw an episode of the story I despise you ?

What color scheme do you want?

I can’t do overlays, but I can do backgrounds