I want someone to help me learn ibis print x for editing episode characters on phone

Hello lovely people,I know it’s too much to ask for but is there anyone out there who’ll help me learn how to edit my characters using ibis print x. Or how do you use this app to edit your characters. Or,maybe a youtube video tutorial link,any help regarding editing is highly appreciated. I’m a noob and I know a few things only about editing. I also want to do these cool edits like others.


Here’s kind of how I do it… personally I use Canva for editing and Ibis for drawing since I’m not a very advanced editor, but I’m pretty sure this is how:

  1. Open up Google/other search browser on your phone/tablet. Log into your Episode account and open up the writer’s portal. Go to “characters” and then screenshot your character.

  2. Open up a new canvas in Ibis, and click on that button which lets you view layers (sorry, I forgot what its called) ;-;

  3. There should be an icon shaped like a camera. You can click on that to upload your screenshot.

  4. Repeat this process with light effects, backgrounds, props, overlays, other characters, and anything else you want to add to your edit.

  5. Here comes the fun part: Be you! Glitter pens, the eraser tool, filters, and smudge are a few ways your can express your creativity.

  6. The finishing touch: Your watermark and/or signature!

  7. When you’re done, click on the arrow on the bottom right corner of the screen, and click save. Then click on that arrow button again and use another button to exit. (I apologize for not remembering their names) >-<

  8. Upload to the forums!


Hi! I have a full length video on my YouTube channel on editing starting at the very beginning. I also show you how to make a simple custom pose at the end, and share lots of other helpful tips on getting the best quality possible. I’ll leave the link below if you’d like to check it out :slightly_smiling_face:
I also have lots of other editing and speed paint videos on my channel as well that a lot of people have found helpful :heart:


I can’t thank you enough. Thanks for taking your time and telling me the whole process💙


I’m definitely checking it out. Thank you so much for helping me


I’m learning my self


lol I have the same question :joy:


Thank you all for helping me. I’m also trying to figure out the functions on my own. And if you’re looking for help just like me,please follow the video that has been shared above. I checked it out by myself and seriously nobody would explain details like she did.

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tysm :sneezing_face:

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