I Will Critique/Review The First Episode of Your Stories

  1. In EXT. DUTCH COLONIAL HOME - DAY instead of doing:
    @CHARACTER1 starts animation
    @CHARACTER2 starts animation
    You can do:
    @CHARACTER1 starts animation AND CHARATCER2 starts animation
  2. When Karina exits the screen drag her to the right of the screen until she isn’t showing, copy that code and add walks to and change the time to 3 so it’d be like:
    @KARINA spot 123 345 in 0
    Then make it:
    @KARINA walks to spot 123 345 in 3.
  3. Make Karina and Mark bigger.
  4. if do INT. MUSIC AGENT OFFICE DESK OL - DAY with INT. MUSIC AGENT OFFICE DESK OL - DAY, you can move the desk. Put Abby a layer below the desk and Karina a layer above it.
  5. When Mark walks into the room, zoom in on Karina.

You said you were a beginner I think these resources quite useful:


http://www.episodelife.com/ (this site has some useful backgrounds, but if you do use any of them, I’d make sure I know and credit who created it.)