If and Else in thescrop not working

After I make freckles like I told in this post:

I made this:
if (With freckles) {
@MODEL1 changes into MODEL1_swimsuit_freckles
} else {
@MODEL1 changes into MODEL1_swimsuit
I have it twice in the same script but it’s not working …
Why not? help, please ?


Did you name the choice? it should be like
if (CHOICENAME is With freckles) {


Did you use gains or not?


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I find gains easier than naming choices. Try this:

Would you like to have freckles?

“Yes, I want freckles.”{
gain Freckles
}”No, I don’t want freckles.”{

if (Freckles){
@CHAR changes into CHAR_freckles
} else {
@CHAR changes into CHAR_nofreckles

You’ll have to create two outfits, one with freckles and one without.

I done this in the first time in the link…
now I need she put something else…
Mean in the another chapater

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in the part on the link I did like this:
Do you want freckles?
choice (Freckles)
“With freckles” {

} “Without freckles” {

if (Freckles is “With freckles”) {

@MODEL1 changes into MODEL1_freckles
} else {

@MODEL1 changes into MODEL1_default

now I want to remember this so I made like this:
if (“With freckles”) {
@MODEL1 changes into MODEL1_swimsuit_freckles
} else {
@MODEL1 changes into MODEL1_swimsuit
but its not work

if (Freckles is “With freckles”) {
@MODEL1 changes into MODEL1_swimsuit_freckles
} else {
@MODEL1 changes into MODEL1_swimsuit

Try this. You were missing the choice name.

Its work thanks

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