If Episode was a genie . . .?

Haha, yep.

  1. Unlimited passes :joy:
  2. Having the option to upload our own everything (clothes and blas)
  3. Make the episode app portal very similar to the desktop portal

I also agree with your wishes

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Thanks and yes, I wonder if they even care about the app portal anymore lol

  • more real diversity that doesnā€™t use token characters
  • a block filter that gets rid of all stories relating to bad boys or pregnancies
  • a free cookie dispenser that creates cookies that pop out of your screen

i didnā€™t know a last one oKay

  1. Less Romance stories on Episode

  2. More males as main characters

  3. Ways to get diamonds without reading a story


Its fine, it gave me a good laugh :laughing: I agree on the diversity part!

Definitely not enough male main characters! A small rewards program for maybe watching a few extra ads might make watching ads less annoying or doing episode surveys.

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I wonder too

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Mines would beā€¦

  1. Unlimited passes so we can read as many episode stories without being interrupted. Or at least more passes every 2 hours.

  2. Featured stories where you donā€™t have to use gems cause everyone canā€™t afford the little deals they have for gems. Or at least give us unlimited gems so we can get those special outfits or choices.

  3. Finally, less cliche stories. Everyone should start making new and unique storylines. Not saying that every author copied off of another authorā€™s storyline but Iā€™ve seen way too many cliche stories. Also more male main characters, thereā€™s like 90% of stories that have a female as there main character. Or at least they should like make a choice if u want to be a boy or a girl. Iā€™ve seen a few stories like that.

Anyone agree?


I defentily agree on the different body shapes. Then characters can more diverse, and everyone wonā€™t look the same.


Yes! Especially would like to see more main male characters :slight_smile:

I really love #3! It truly would make episode much more inclusive and welcoming. More people to enjoy stories or even write in a different language.


Itā€™s true, you never know! Iā€™m hopeful :slight_smile:

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Bump :raised_hands:

  1. Ability to delete stories
  2. Way to organize our stories better
  3. A shelf that is for authors who are relatively new, with under 1000 reads but trending.

Great question btw!

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These are all great ideas you had @lamecast88!

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That last one would be really awesome, less digging and hunting for hidden gems lol

I love number 2. What a great idea!

Do you mean that once you make BG characters in one story, they can immediately transfer to be used in other stories? I love that idea if that is the case too.