If I made a cover contest would you join?

hey guys i kinda wanna do this but I’m nervous bc ik nobody would care fr. I wanna do a DRAWN cover request only because I have an edited cover for my large cover. it’s okay if you can’t draw this is kinda like a fun thing but if you can draw and have nothing to do then you could also join!
don’t leave me hanging y’all pls :grinning:

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the deadline would be considerate to everyone’s schedule. I haven’t finished coding the first episode anyway!

Sure, I might join!

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oh na this is embarrassing @Sydney_H pls close this :confused:


People don’t always reply right away–especially after an hour, so don’t worry about it. :+1:t2:

I would love to join, but I’m still super super new to digital art, and I’m super slow. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


Closed by OP request. :smiley: