If You're Using A Tablet To Read Stories, Come To This Thread Please

Now, for all authors who use tablets to read stories, I will not be able to adjust scenes because I don’t have enough time for the reveal contest if you are planning to read my story if you want. So, if you want to read on mobile, do so if you want to. I just won’t be making additional changes. Just letting you know.


If it’s just a tappable thing, a vertical pan normally works great. Only seems to work on tablets though, not phones with shorter screens.

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Wait, oh man I haven’t a table in so long, but when you turn it and rotates to a different angle, do u think it might work?

Rotating the tablet? Or the overlays?
I direct on an ipad, but it was actually Corvaena (I think?) who told me you can add a vertical pan for menus and things and I’ve found it works great on ipads :slight_smile: Even without zooming in you can still scroll up and down the screen to tap things.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work on phones.

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