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What’s wrong with this?



Delete “in zone 1”


I don’t know how to get her to the way left of the screen, she stops in the middle. How do I get her there? lso thank you for your help.

you mean zone (different part of the background) or the spot on the screen?

I mean different part of the screen, there is three different areas and I want her on the far left, Zone 1 or it might be Zone 3


@cut to zone 3
@CHARACTER enters from left to back far left

Sorry, I think I explained it weird. She keeps stopping at the bookshelf and I need to be at the bed where the nightstand is.

&FEMALEAVATAR enters from right to screen left in 1 AND FEMALEAVATAR does it while walk_exhausted THEN FEMALEAVATAR walks to spot spots here in zone 1 in 3 AND FEMALEAVATAR does it while walk_exhausted
@pause for 1
&pan to zone 1 in 3

Try this!

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Okay I’ll try it, I have to go, I’ll tell you if it works in like two hours thank you for your help.

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I had to change it a little still doesn’t work

You need to put the THEN command like I showed you or put this …
@FEMALEAVATAR enters from right to screen left in 1 AND FEMALEAVATAR does it while walk_exhausted
&pan to zone 1
@FEMALEAVATAR walks to screen left in zone 1 AND FEMALEAVATAR does it while walk_exhausted

The first is better, the second one will cause the character to pause and go ‘idle’ for a second before she carries on walking

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I’m not sure what you’re trying to do but what I would do is to first place your character in another zone with the same spot (so the character is the right size when entering) and then have the characters walk to zone 1. If you want to show the ”process” of walking the use the pan command with an &. Example since I’m bad at explaining:

@CHAR spot x y z in zone 3 AND CHAR faces left
&pan to zone 1 in 5
@CHAR walks to spot x y z in zone 1 in 5

NOTE: make sure you use the same spot if you want your character to maintain the same size!

Hope this helps, and if this isn’t what you were asking for then I’m deeply sorry for wasting your time. Good luck, feel free to ask me if you have further questions! :revolving_hearts:

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Thank you so much! Sorry I didn’t do it right like you had told me, don’t know what I was doing.

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It’s okay! Hope you managed to get it working now :slight_smile:

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Can someone tell me what the code is to remember someone’s choice name? I don’t know how to do it.

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I know that part, but if the players name comes up again, what would be the code for that? Also, thank you.

In the dialogue you mean?

Yes, that’s what I mean :grin:

what’s your character display name?