Improve your writing skills here!

no, i do not proofread :smirk_cat:
anyway I like this prompt :flushed:

the grand escape

The room was cold, dark, the only source was a flickering bulb, swinging from the ceiling. One would think a government building like this would have better funding but no. It’s probably more inconspicuous this way.

The chair squeaked as you settled into your cold, hard, metal seat. Crossing your legs as you pulled the chair closer to the table, legs scraping against the concrete floors the whole time creating a particularly uncomfortable ambiance.

You set your notebook and pen on the table, folding your hands over your knee. The door opened, silently, and you kept your eyes trained directly in front of you, not daring to look at him first. You almost feel bad, witnessing the sight in front of you. Jonah West, world renowned criminal. And your college roommate. A little more than a roommate, maybe, but you’d never admit it to him. Nevertheless, had someone told you ten years ago you’d be seeing Jonah West in handcuff, you would’ve laughed in their face. Well who’s laughing now?

After Jonah was arrested, you blamed yourself, then you blamed him. That didn’t make seeing him like this was any easier. His skin was dull, paler than usual. It made his tattoos stand out even more. You always had a love-hate relationship with his tattoos. On one hand, they were extremely inconvenient. You asked him why on Hods green earth would he cover his body with them? In his line of work, being easily recognizable wasn’t exactly prudent. But alas, you loved those stupid, stupid tattoos. Especially the one he got of your face. You really loved that tattoo.

Finally, he spoke. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” He smirked, leaning back in his chair- as far back as his handcuffs would allow, that is. “Agent Ramirez?” His demeanor not at all matching his outward appearance.

You raised an eyebrow. “Have we met?” Yes, you might’ve met the bubbly as ever Jonah West. You might’ve kissed him, held him, loved him. But Agent Ramirez hadn’t. You wondered what he was doing, if he was sabotaging you, hurting you on purpose. No , you thought, he would never hurt me. Probably. He probably wouldn’t hurt you on purpose.

Now, the last time you saw him you made a promise. A promise you intended to keep. A promise you spent five years working towards. A promise you wouldn’t let his shenanigans get in the way of.

The guard finished bounding Jonah to the table and left the room, finally. And finally, a small smile found it’s way onto your face. You missed him, you couldn’t help it. The lights flickered again.

Before this time, altogether shutting off.
The sound of metal against concrete, the shuffling of clothes.
You stood, quickly, leaning across the table.

“Don’t get caught, alright?”

A deep baritone laugh filled your ears, Jonah’s strong hand finds your cheek.

“Never again, baby.”

He quickly kisses you and before you knew it the lights were back on.
The door swung open, you handcuffed to the table, and any trace of Jonah West long gone.