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OKIII, I did the “I wish I could go back” oneeeee.

I wish I could go back

I was never a good person, I did bad stuff, really bad stuff. I didn’t know (and still do not know) how to control my anger, I robbed and even killed people who got on my nerves. I would describe myself as a cat. Lazy, but silent and with a death stare. Not everyone feared me, but I can assure you that most of the villagers in my town did, they called me “psycho”, “killer” and plenty of other things. They even tried to burn my house while I was sleeping, trying to kill me. And it worked.

I never believed in Heaven nor Hell, and I still don’t. This place isn’t nice, it isn’t what everyone thinks. You’ll go to a nice place, a place where bad doesn’t exist they say, I wish that was true.

Right now, I’m in a room, in a room with a bed and a TV. I’ve been trying to escape it for a month now, but unluckily didn’t succeed. Until now.

There is a man, oh no no no no. He was one of my victims, in fact, he was my enemy and also did bad stuff. I would describe him as a snake, it’s pretty obvious why.

He is coming towards me, I’m not scared, but my gut feeling tells me to run.

But it’s too late, he grabs my wrists and ties me to a chair that just popped out of the nowhere.

“Welcome to CrimeLand” he says. “A place where all crimes are legal. And the best part of it is that you can’t die… but you can feel the pain”

He takes out a knife and stabs me where my heart was. Ouch, this hurts so much.

“And I forgot to mention, you feel the pain ten times more” he says.

I tried to scream, but I lost my voice. WHAT KIND OF PLACE IS THIS?

Oh boy, I wish I didn’t die.