In need of inspiration

I currently am working on a few pieces and when I got to continue them I run out of ideas. If you have a pose reference, mood board, color palette, outfit reference, theme, or anything please feel free to leave them below :pleading_face::two_hearts:


a cool theme is like galaxy or tie-dye type if you haven’t done that yet :crazy_face:


I’m low key scared to try those because I suck at patterns :woman_facepalming:t4: Might be a good opportunity to practice though :two_hearts:


even purple and blues in general though (the color mixture would look great), i’ve seen your work and it’s beyond fantastic!

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Thank you and thanks for the ideas :two_hearts:

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Some themes:
-Night themed
-Season themed
-Based on a book type of theme
-Light and darkness themed
-Makeup themed

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Thank you. Light and darkness is a really good theme :thinking::two_hearts:

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