IN NEED OF (professional) ASSISTANCE!

Or go here.

JADE (think)
(Should I let her see my dresses and give her a little show??)


    JADE (talk_happy_smile)
So this is what I bought.

label choosing_outfit

“Red Hottie”{

@JADE exits right

@JADE changes into JADE_sexy_1

“Black Beauty”{

@JADE exits right

@JADE changes into JADE_sexy_2

“White Sassy”{

@JADE exits right

@JADE changes into JADE_sexy_3


@JADE enters from right to screen center

@JADE faces right

@JADE is dance_drop_it

@pause for a beat

@pause for a beat

@SARAH is admire

    SARAH (talk_flirt)
Wow such a hottie!!!


    JADE (primp)
(Should I wear this for tonight??)

“Hell Yes!!”{

    JADE (talk_primp_condescend)
I always look amazing!!

“Try Something Else On”{
goto choosing_outfit


“Nah I want it to be a secret”{

    SARAH (talk_handsonhips)
Ok miss secret

@JADE is laugh_chuckle


So I want my character to show 3 dresses to her friend and when I give the player the option to choose the dress or try another one but once you click the try another dress option it brings you to the

JADE (think)
(Should I let her see my dresses and give her a little show??)

“Nah I want to keep it a secret”{

so ig the problem is where to put the label