Is anyone willing to give me a lil life advice?

She loves me. I don’t love her anymore. However, we’re in a relationship. I don’t want to lose her, and I don’t want to hurt her…

Idk y’all. It’s scary being the heartbreaker

Thank you so much for all the replies…:pleading_face::heart:
It really means a lot…thank you.

And y’all are pretty damn wise🙃


I never been in a relationship :woman_shrugging: (Im scared of them)
but isn’t the hole point in being in a relationship is to be with the one you love intimately :thinking:
and i think it will hurt her more if she finds out you stoped loving her while you were still in a
I say just tell her that it isn’t working but you don’t want to lose her
like be honest with the break up thats the best senario


I had to reject so many people in my life, so I know the feeling. I think you should break up with her, don’t lead her on if you don’t feel the same. It will hurt for a time, but she will heal from the pain. Offer her your friendship, but never lead her on. You shouldn’t be in a relationship that isn’t love for you, she doesn’t deserve that. Tell her she’s amazing and it’s not her fault.

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I think it’s better to tell her the truth and how u feel about her honestly before it’s too late… of course she’ll be so hurt but she’ll get over it

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Oof, girl(I’m assuming genders here, sorry) both my boyfriends broke up with me…the last one didn’t even love me, so I’m definitely not qualified.

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Tell her the truth. Sit down somewhere silent and tell her that you don’t have feelings anymore but be gentle. Suggest that you can still be friends. Let her know that you still care about her and ‘love’ her but not in a romantic way.

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Inform that you don’t want to hurt her or mean any harm but you simply don’t have feeling anymore. It’s not your fault and if she cares about you she’ll understand.

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My best advise it to just tell her straight how you feel. It’s gonna hurt her even more if she’s in a relationship w you thinking everything’s fine and the love is both ways. She probably will be broken by the news but it’s better to tell her how you feel than ‘‘lead her on’’, by not telling her and going on with the relationship.

Ofc I am no expert. But if you imagine being her, you’d probably want your partner to tell you if they don’t love you and won’t ‘‘waste’’ your time and emotions.

But DO NOT tell her that byt text or by phone, do it face to face.

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Both my exes did that. The first because he was probably nervous, so I don’t blame him. The second, we lived an hour ant thirty minutes away, but he could’ve at least FaceTimed me…

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FaceTime would be better than a text… it sucks that nowdays people thinks it’s just fine to end things over a text :roll_eyes:

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No, both of them called me.

I still care a lot about my first ex

He was a sweetheart

Can’t relate to that missing part.

But I still think a basic call isn’t enough. For me Face Time is barely over the line of accepting it as a good breakup way but idk, basic call just isn’t right.

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I think you should tell her before it’s too late. She’ll be hurt, but she’ll be even more hurt when she finds out that you didn’t want to tell her and she’ll think you didn’t care enough to tell her how you really felt. Trust me, the feeling of guilt after you regret not telling her earlier is just horrible. You might even lose her as a friend afterwards if you don’t tell her.

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Yeah, it would have been better face to face, but I understand he was nervous.

I was angry for so long, but I was being so immature.


that really sucks. you probably should let her go. eventually she’ll get over it and probably get mono from a stranger on spring break (alright maybe that’s just me lol)

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LOL, I told my ex I wanted him to move to Antarctica, get frostbite, have it turn gangrenous then die from sepsis. Yes, I’m violent.

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Yeah that sounds like a plan :thinking: :joy:
Thx :kissing_smiling_eyes: