Is Ink method better or Limelight? How & Where are they Different?

Hi All,
I am trying to become an author at Episode, but finding all the directional tools and coding very tough. Creating through mobile apps seems rather easy but then again to edit or to publish it one has to write his/her story via Computer.
I am confused here, as a first time story-writer, would it be good for me to choose the Ink method or shall I follow the LIMELIGHT method? If I’m referred one of these methods then why? I want to know what are the differences between INK method & LIMELIGHT method?
Someone, Please Help!!!

Ani Ray


INK versus LIMELIGHT is really a personal preference. They are directed exactly the same, so it comes down to which style do you like more.
Besides the difference in how they look, what is available for each differs. INK has more clothes but less animations. LIMELIGHT has more animations but less clothes.
My personal preference is INK. I like the animated feel to it and I find it easy to make characters of different ages. For me, LIMELIGHT is too polished/realistic looking and the motions of the characters seem robotic.

As far as getting started goes, if you want to work on computer definetly start by reading the guides Episode provides. Joseph Evan’s YouTube videos are also helpful.
There are also lots of help threads on her (including my own) and guides made by other authors for things such as spot directing.


Hi There,
Thanks first of all. Well, I had created 6 chapters already by using my mobile phone. Then I tried the Ink method…
My story falls under thriller section, so I think I have to choose Limelight as I need more animations than clothes. Though I got a little habituated with the Ink method by watching and applying Joe’s YouTube tutorials.
So, I better try with my first chapter with INK and then LIMELIGHT. I guess I’ll understand then what should I do…

Thanks for replying and helping by telling the difference between the two! :+1:t2:
