Is it possible to pan to a zone with a zoom?

Hi please help! I’d like to know if it’s possible to pan to a zone using a zoom as well? if that makes sense

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Yes it is! I do it all the time just use the & command.

&zoom to spot XYZ in zone # in time
@pan to zone # in time

If that makes sense :slight_smile:


Hi, I came back here attempting to do this again :sweat_smile:
Would you be able to give an example of what the code would look like? I’m a little confused, sorry

Hey! An example of this code could look something like this:

&zoom on 566 391 to 223% in 1
@pan to zone 2 in 1

I hope this helps!

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Thank you! Also, do you know if it’s possible to do this whilst a character is walking to a specific position?

yes it is! just use the & command when coding the character walking

&zoom on 566 391 to 223% in 1
&CHARACTER walks to x y z in (time)
@pan to zone 2 in 1

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Alright, thank you so much!! :cherry_blossom::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ll try it out!

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ofc! I hope it works!

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Hello, sorry if I’m bothering you :sweat_smile: but I’m trying to pan from zone 2 to zone 3 very quickly so perhaps zooming in 0.5 seconds, I wanted to know if it’s possible to do this? Would you know how as well?

you would do

&zoom on 566 391 to 223% in (time)
&CHARACTER walks to x y z in (time)
@pan to zone 3 in (time)

How about if I want to pan to zone 1 from zone 2 in 0.5 seconds and pan to a specific spot in zone 1 where one of my characters is sitting? How would I do this?

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@cut to zone 2
@CHARACTER starts idle_sit

^(This part should already be in the code but in case it isnt)

&zoom to x y to XX% in 0.5
@pan to zone 1 in 0.5

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