Is something wrong with my code?

label stepmother_react_1
} “Be sweet” {
MARGOT (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
It was great, thank you for the upgrade
gain Sweetgirl

} “Be cold” {
MARGOT (talk_armscrossed_angry_loop)
Fine, the update was not needed
gain Coldgirl

Thats the code and it’s saying somethings wrong but I don’t know what

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you forgot to put choice!!

label stepmother_react_1
“Be sweet” {
MARGOT (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
It was great, thank you for the upgrade
gain Sweetgirl

“Be cold” {
MARGOT (talk_armscrossed_angry_loop)
Fine, the update was not needed
gain Coldgirl


Thank you

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Be sure to add the choice after dialogue too
I forget sometimes lol


It’s saying this now:

Unexpected choice: Did you include a choice without a line of dialogue before it

What does that mean now?

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You have to add some dialog

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MARGOT (talk_think)
How should I respond?)

“Be sweet” {
MARGOT (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
It was great, thank you for the upgrade
gain Sweetgirl

“Be cold” {
MARGOT (talk_armscrossed_angry_loop)
Fine, the update was not needed
gain Coldgirl


just question do you need label in front of this choice?

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Add some dialogue before the word “choice”!

FYI, If you don’t want dialogue with your choice, you can scale your speechbubble to 0% :wink:

And perhaps you’d like to add a label after the choice where the branches merge? Example:

“Be sweet” {
MARGOT (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
It was great, thank you for the upgrade
gain Sweetgirl
} “Be cold” {
MARGOT (talk_armscrossed_angry_loop)
Fine, the update was not needed
gain Coldgirl



I’m trying to make this a remembered choice so whenever the main character speaks to her stepmom she will act kindly or cold

Thank you!

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Thank you!!

label has nothing to do with rememberig choice.

For remembering you eather have to name the choice or use gains

labels are for sending reader back or forth to specific spot in script marked as label… for examle if you will add option to skipp chapter you will use label so the script knows the one who wants to skipp should go directly to the end.

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Oh okay! Thank you

:smiley: Sorry to correct you again :rofl: :sweat_smile: but adding here goto and label is unnecessary too because after reader choices one of the options the script goes to the end after the whole choice automatically

This will work but is a completely unnecessary code in this case.

This will do the exact same thing:

How do you want to react?
“Be sweet” {
MARGOT (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
It was great, thank you for the upgrade
gain Sweetgirl
} “Be cold” {
MARGOT (talk_armscrossed_angry_loop)
Fine, the update was not needed
gain Coldgirl

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It’s no problem at all!
I learn from this too :joy: So, thank you.

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:slight_smile: Uf…I dont want to sound like bad or anything. :slight_smile:
The logic of gotos and labels is correct but you usually need it in more complex branches when you put somethig related to choice outside of the brackets…

example is CC - you cant have labels inside choice so you have to put the whole CC (which needs lot of labels) outside the choice - then you need labels

example where labels and gotos are necessy for choice:

label CC
Whoom would you like to customize?
choice “MC” {
goto MC
} “LI1” {
goto LI1
} “LI2” {
goto LI2
} “I am done” {
goto end

label MC
Add the CC for MC here
goto CC
label LI1
Add the CC for LI here
goto CC
label LI2
Add the CC for L2 here
goto CC
label end
Here you start your story