Is there a coding templete to have 2 choices one to customize and one not to customize

so how do you code with two choices saying to customize and another option to customize?

label reselect

Would you like to customize?


#customization template here (can put the template inside of choices because labels are allowed inside of brackets or outside of the brackets, with a goto leading to a label it shares a same name with)


Are you sure you don’t want to customize?

“Wait, take me back”{

goto reselect

}“I’m sure”{


#continue story

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Ok let me try it!

so i put it in how do i make both of the choices in gold?

Add <PREMIUM> In front


<PREMIUM>"choice 1"{

}<PREMIUM>"choice 2"{

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it seems like i had to remove the extra bracket

Keep that bracket on line 2440. You need to remove the bracket from line 2428

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