Is there a way to add lightning strikes?

EXT. BACKGROUND with LIGHTNING to 0 0 1.000 with effect HARD RAIN
&overlay LIGHTNING opacity 0 in 0
@overlay LIGHTNING rotates 90 anchor point 1 1 in 0
&overlay LIGHTNING shifts to 282 73
&overlay LIGHTNING scales to 3.304 3.304
@pause for 2
sound thunderclap2
&overlay LIGHTNING opacity 1 in 0.1
@transition fade in white in 0.3
@overlay LIGHTNING opacity 0 in 0
@pause for a beat
@overlay LIGHTNING shifts to -57 623
@overlay LIGHTNING scales to -3.554 -3.554
sound thunderclap
&overlay LIGHTNING opacity 1 in 0.1
@transition fade in white in 0.3
@overlay LIGHTNING opacity 0 in 0


This should work