Is this non appropriate content?

I wanted to include a plotline in my story where a character is in love with her first cousin. It’s an important plotline, but it wouldn’t include any sexual activity. Is this accepted by the guidelines? I read them, and they literally say “No graphic/explicit/detailed description or depiction of illegal relationships such as incest”. I understand it’s illegal in the USA to be in a sexual relationship with a cousin, but it’s not illegal to have one-sided feelings. Anyway I don’t want to publish something inappropriate, so please someone tell me if that plotline would be acceptable.
Thank you so much!


Hhrrrmmmm… I have no clue.


yes its against the rules, the app run by american law. like wise we have no drinking age in my country its still against the rules to show a child drinking.

and you say yourself you dont wanna publish something inappropriate and it is regardless if its against the rules or not.


I think that would be against the guidelines. You can try emailing and asking them but I don’t think that would allowed


It doesn’t matter some people Marry their cousins


Yes, people marry their cousins but its illegal to marry their 1st cousin due to into being classed as incest


Even if it were allowed, I think I might consider how readers might feel while reading your story. For example, if it were me, I would feel very uncomfortable and exit the story.


same, I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t read it. It’s quite disturbing for me


Yeah, I think I would have to exit aswell.


yeah an some people marry children, it still wrong and illegal many places


It ain’t illegal back home in Pakistan it’s a tradition but it’s annoying like I ain’t going back home to Marry a next cousin u get me I’m British btw


Yeah, but Episode is an American based company and has to follow the laws of America, which states that marrying 1st cousins is considered incest

yes, Illegal relationships (incest) are most certainly not allowed.

as stated on the content guidelines, here:

I don’t think it’s ok to include, even if it’s not sexual. Romance/love isn’t rlly ok either, lol. I recommend just making them not related or something. It could save u a lot of trouble.

(I also vaguely remember a story abt a girl who had a crush on her step brother, that was removed for incest so yeah, I don’t think this’ll b ok) :white_heart:

however, if it’s a rlly important plot line, u could try sending a support ticket here:

And asking abt if it would b acceptable there, they’re probably more helpful! (:

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Okay, thank you all. I want to clarify that I know a relationship between first cousins is illegal in some states of the US, but it was meant to be platonic in my story. But I don’t want my story to be removed, so I guess I’ll change that somehow.
I know some people wouldn’t like a story about this, but again that’s not what I was asking. I just wanted to know if it would be removed.

Makes sense

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