Is this what people even want?

Recently, I published my first ever (mystery, action, and thriller) Episode story. The whole plot is basically the MC and her LI trying to solve a random murder, even though the only jobs they’ve ever had were at fast food restaurants and grocery stores, of a 63 year old man they found in an abandoned park trying to finish a scavenger hunt for $10,000.

As the reader, you’ll be understanding more and more of every character’s back stories and getting an essential idea of why they’re important. But as the MC, you’re trying to understand why Ian Jefferson, an owner of a, now crumbling, strip club meant to help women get back on their feet, was brutally murdered and left to rot in a park that hasn’t finished its construction.

I’m just wondering if this is even a type of story people are interested in. From what I’ve seen, there are a good handful of Episode users who prefer any other genre over Romance and Drama. But, possibly a bigger amount of people who prefer Romance? I’m not too sure if I want to complete my story because what if no one finds it interesting?

The whole purpose of me writing is to get my mind off of things going on in my personal life, and writing is something that cheers me up. I’m not one to really care what people think of me, but if my story isn’t something that people will be interested in, then why should I keep writing? What would the point be? I would be writing for the eyes and thoughts of no one. I understand that this may look like me desperately trying to get reads, but it’s really just me trying to see if my story is something I should even continue.


I’ll read it, it sounds very interesting.


Mood tbh, I am really tired of life rn.


It sounds unique and interesting, so yess I’d read it <3


Wow! I’m hooked already! What’s the title? I wanna read ittttttt. :star_struck:


Think of it this way. The first person to ever write a Mystery/Drama probably too thought nobody would want to read it. Mystery and Drama are probably one of the most popular genre’s alongside Romance and Fantasy. Trust the process. If it makes you happy, then that’s all that matters. You seem to have quite a bit of people who’d read your story, so that must say something :blue_heart: :relaxed:


Wow you’re so positive!


I try my best to be. I know how difficult it is, especially during this time, but someone’s got to stay positive y’know? There has to be someone . :sparkles: :blue_heart:


That’s actually a really good way too look at it. This may sound depressing or something, but I’m just not a very positive thinker. I always think of the worst that can happen instead of the best, so thank you and I appreciate you making it look and sound different in my head!


Anytime :blue_heart: Don’t be so hard on yourself if you don’t publish it immediately, things that make you happy will take longer than things that bring you temporary happiness. As long as your happy, that’s all that will ever matter.


I’d love to read it tbh, it sounds interesting! What’s the title?

I also have similar worries with my own writing, I’ve always wanted to write a zombie survival horror story and have had one planned for almost a year, but I’m majorly procrastinating with it because I feel like it’ll flop :clown_face:

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Yeah, my story also took a whole year of writing and actually re-writing. It took me a while to come up with the plot I have now, so I’m just happy I have an exact idea of what I want to write :sweat_smile:

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