Is this worth the gems?

So, as you all know, episode has made gem choices an important criteria for ranks. Now, there’s many aspects one can add gems for but I want to know…

Would you be interested in spending 5 gems in every 2-3 episodes if you get a chance to dress up your love interest? Or would you rather skip it? Is this choice worth adding?


I was honestly thinking the same thing, but Im still not sure.

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I just saw some really absurd gem choice few days back while reading and it made mr think, what would I add instead. So this thought lingered although, I’m not 100% sure if people would look forward to it. Since dressing up our love interest has never been a tradition :disappointed:

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I was thinking that if I was to add gem choices, it would not be to all the outfit choices.
Introduce it at the begining of the story. What I mean is like in the first few episodes, have them customize outfits, no charge. And later on in the story, have gem choices to SOME of the outfits not all the time. Because gem choices can be a HUGE dis-encouragement (thats probably not even a word)
but some people will not read a story if it has to many gem choices (ngl, i have stopped reading stories because of the exsesive amount of gem choices) and if they cant use gem choices, then dont make the default outfit ugly to because then thats not fair either. I hope this makes sense


PS: The word is discouragement :wink:


There we go :sob: :sob:. Im sorry ya’ll english is my third language so I struggle a lot with grammar and spelling

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It’s okay! It’s not easy learning a new language


Hmm :thinking: that is actually a decent idea, as there won’t be gem outfit choices in each chapter but just for special occasions for him and then the next few wouldn’t. That way it can help in maintaining the gem part. The only uncertainty is readers most likely not choosing it because they might think it’s unnecessary?


I think that you should still give it a shot. There is no way of knowing if people actually choose the gem option but it wont hurt to try.
Its not like you are charging for early access (if you are no shade to you in my opinion I would not because its a lot more work meaning you have to code atleast 2-3 chapters at once for that to work out and not everyone has that time) its just the male outfits. But like I mentioned, you should just give it a shot.


Personally, I’d skip.
My gems go towards early access, supporting the author and “what if” bonus content.

But who knows, there could be people quite willing to pay gems to dress up their love interest. Quite a lot of authors get surprised by just how many gems actually get spent on their stories. :relaxed:

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I think some people would love that honestly. But again, you have to remember that all readers have different gem preferences. While some would spend gems on that, others wouldnt. I think it’s worth a shot in my honest opinion.

I understand that because if it was on me, maybe I would’ve chosen it a couple of times but mostly not.
I’m really happy to hear that many people are actually thoughtful of choosing support the author choice. Because from what I’ve heard many hated it terming it as selfish motives and it made me feel bitter.

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Thank you for the opinion. I guess I’ll give it a bit more thought

Thank you so much for your idea. I am just scared of getting trolled and upsetting readers, but maybe trying it wouldn’t hurt. If at all there’s a dissapointment, I can surely eliminate it.

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Most of those people are readers who either cannot see/refuse to see it from an author POV or are unaware of how important gems have become.
Authors simply asking readers to support them by spending 5 gems or more isn’t selfish at all considering the hours and hours of work put into stories, coding, characters, backgrounds etc, PLUS it isn’t like readers are forced to support, they can literally just choose the free choice. :skull:

I don’t understand people who think it’s selfish—


Honestly I felt this. Before I started codeing I would get so mad at authors because of thier short chapters or gem choices because I did not understand why they were using gems and why the chapters were so short. But then I started coding and I started to be able to see it from thier point of view, a position that I am in now.
Either way, im glad I get to see it from an authors point of view because now I am more rational

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ignore the trolling and hate, because people are always going to hate. at the end of the day, you gotta keep doing what you think is right for YOUR story

Were you ever mad at “support the author” gem choices specifically though?

That’s the only gem choice I was referring to really. I can understand how other gem choices could be pretty frustrating even though I’m more of an author than reader myself. :skull:


No, because I had started writiing then.

What I mean by “back then” is like when I was 11-13 , (I am now 15 about to be 16), I got episode at a really young age I know lol, but I used to be so mad and I think it was because I was reading straight from the episode creators section because you know how they are with thier choices
choices: Pee in front of your crush and slip -0 gems
walk in style with lui vutton, gucci, and prada on 10000000000000 gems

those are the only kind of choices I would get mad at, and like 5 minute episodes

But now I got a very clear understanding of everything. Like people go through things, or maybe they were just too tierd to write anymore, or they have school and stuff like that. Like I now understand that I need to put my self in other shoes.

The “would you like to support the author” does not bother me because thats how you are suppposed to keep your story ranks up, infact I plan on using these options as well.


When I used to read episode few months back, the support the author choice never showcased any gem price and it used to show up like a normal choice. I assumed back then that it is something Episode generated to see which author is performing better :laughing:
I used to click it irrespective of the fact whether I liked the story or not.
Now since I’m writing my own story I realise how much that option means to the authors

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