It's just so confusing! 😖

As a new author, I have been constantly trying to find topics in which people share what they like, and do not like in a story.
Most of them say they love a story with CCs, point system, choices that matter and decide the ending. However there are also people who do not like the entire point of ‘choices that matter’.

Again, many say they hate long dialogues and descriptions but when I read one of the trending stories, it contained exactly that! A not-so-required long description. The fact that it is on trending, just shows that people seem to like that just as much.

So, should I not follow what readers say they like and don’t like and go with what I like?


Hey , Im a new author too trying to publish my story . Honestly though you are the author and I recommend you write your story how you are gonna write it because it’s your story that you are writing and are sharing with the world . Plus it might help with motivation to write it and continue writing with it because it’s the way you like it vs. a story your just trying to modify which you may not end up liking it as much .


What @Catniss said. It is your story, your brain child. If you make it the readers story you will likely loose interest. And don’t forget that readers aren’t all alike. Some like long dialogues and some don’t. I believe most of the readers don’t even use the forum so you will not really know most of their opinions to begin with.


My advice:
Write. For. You.
Write something YOU want to see come to life. Write about what YOU are passionate about. Write about YOUR thoughts, feelings, all that. Do it for YOU.

You are 100% going to put more effort and thought into a story YOU want to tell instead of trying to please a bunch of strangers. I’m serious. You are never going to satisfy everyone all the time. Write a story you want to write.


CC? Your choice. If you want to give people that choice, do. If you want your characters seen only the way YOU see them, that’s perfectly okay. I’ve never in my life picked up a book (a real, physical book) and thrown it away because the main character isn’t a long haired white chick with glasses. The development of your story and characters should matter far more than the few handfuls of people who won’t read because “CC or I don’t read”. Those people make me wonder if they’d ever read a printed, mass produced book because you can’t CC Pride and Prejudice or any other novel that I’ve seen irl. :woman_shrugging:

Point System: What is your genre? Will your story branch based on choices the character makes (e.i. friendship/relationship development between MC and LIs or a story about magic that requires certain “levels”/points to access certain “abilities” ) then add a point system. They’re handy if you plan to have double-digit episodes that require things to be remembered by the system.

Choices that “matter”? Yes, I put it in quotes because not everything has to have major impact on the core story. It can be an outfit choice, dialog choice, where to go on a date, etc. Choices just need to FEEL important because they affect something in the story.

I am not saying add or don’t any of the things you listed. CC is a way to add interactivity (as long as the characters race/culture is not a prominent factor to the story). Gains/Point Systems are essential if you plan on a longer story (like 50episodes) because it keeps things/choices/consequences straight for each reader so their version/branch stays consistent. Choices that feel important matter far more to most readers than if every choice affects the whole story. Games? They’re neat, but can become very complex and can make you want to bang your head into a keyboard – but once you figure out how to code them, they’re fun to create. If YOU want to. Okay?

Be original and write for yourself. That’s how you get a truly amazing story. The more you work on and believe in the story YOU want to tell, the more readers will be able to see how much thought and care you put into crafting a world for them to dive into. You’ll never make everyone happy and it’s okay to tell people who leave fanmail about this or that-- “Thank you for the suggestion and giving my story a chance!” And mean “your story sucks” with no real critique or purpose says more about that bitter person’s soul and issues than it does about your story.

If you actually read this whole thing congrats and I do hope that it gets my point across. If you worry more about what people might think, you’re taking energy from the actual writing/developing of your story. Tell your story. :slight_smile:


A lot of the critiques and tips that you’ve mentioned do come about for a reason. When dialogue is consistently “too wordy,” it often becomes a harder read. This doesn’t necessarily make it a bad read, though. There is nothing wrong with pushing the boundaries of what is considered standard or effective.

For example, when you look at many classical written novels that are known throughout our society and even the world (ie. The Scarlet Letter or writings done by Shakespeare), reading and processing the information in these may be more difficult simply because of the wordiness or the various high level/unique diction. Still, this doesn’t mean they are bad novels. On the contrary, these are classics because they are considered of very high quality just as much as they are considered historical works of art. Despite being “hard” reads, there is a great number of people who have enjoyed or enjoy reading these works. Of course, novels are a different media than interactive stories, but the same exceptions often apply among all sorts of entertainment media. An interactive story doesn’t have to follow the step-by-step format of others in order to be successful as entertainment and an intriguing read.

Being easier to understand and process or take in is something that the majority of readers can find enjoyable. A story will flow without long contemplation or analysis on the reader’s part. This makes it more likely for a good number of people to enjoy because it provides relaxing forms of entertainment that can still elicit thought-provoking ideas or themes without perhaps as much breakdown or deep reading. However, reading interactive stories may be something that certain readers looking to relax and cool down may not want to put as much analysis into. This kind of media as well as other forms like novels, movies, plays, etc. are meant for these reasons. The various stories that are told and the various styles they are told in provide different experiences for their audiences, and each and every one of them is valid for their own reasons.

Being less wordy and keeping dialogue shorter or including customization and unique choices may appeal to wider audiences more easily than that of the other form, but that doesn’t mean that good stories can’t come about with styles that would typically go against what seems to work. Usually these stories have merits for different reasons that make they just as if not more enjoyable than others. I believe the part of writing and being an author is to be able to write a good story however the writer chooses to.

All in all, strategies and suggestions and tips that other authors give you from their experiences as writers and readers come about because they are no doubt effective. They have come about because they have proven to be such after the compilation of thousands of unique stories that are both entertaining and thought-provoking in their own ways. However, the merit of being a unique individual who writes one’s own stories is that the author has the choice to work within the boundaries of the effective in order to enhance their own writing as well as push them in order to create something new. It is important to consider both options and also to understand how using both will affect one’s writing. There is a balance between trying new things and using what is known, just as there is a balance between pushing one’s limits to build one’s own wisdom and listening and heeding the wisdom of others. I suggest to heed the advice of fellow authors and readers, but do not restrict yourself to purely their preferences. Build on top of strong foundations and expand outward into new horizons. Find both what works for you based on your own trials and from what has worked for others. That is the privilege and difficulty of being an author.

I hope this helps.


What I really try to do all the time is strike a balance b/w what I want and what the readers like. That’s why added limited CC in my last story! xD
As much as I love coding and making mini games, I also want to do it quick and release the episode quick.

I used to do this back in the day and read somewhere that a not-so-big effect annoys them and I changed it : ) thinking it is the mass opinion. Clearly not.

Thank you for writing so much and guiding me :smiling_face:

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If you’re talking about the plays, they contain interesting characters and dialogues that are of some use to the plot: maybe it’s just me, but when I say long dialogues, I mean the ones with character description. While I thought good, slow and long descriptions are great for emotional bonding, no one seemed to like that.

Thank you so much! :heart:

I get it, and agree that there should be a balance.

I’m saying that it doesn’t make sense to me to sacrifice the story you want to tell because it might not be a trending story. I think that when you put a lot of effort into the planning of a story, then working out where a choice can be made/etc the stories end up more understandable/readable and come out to be much better quality than trying to write a story to please everyone which is an unrealistic expectation to put on yourself (writers)

Should people work to add interactivity and diversity, yes. Should they give up the story they’re passionate about telling because some people put it down or won’t read because the MC doesn’t look like them? No. That’s why, in my opinion, you should write for yourself with the goal of it entertaining/speaking to readers.


No, I should follow what your author’s heart says during writing. Don’t ignore the readers advices, but remember: You are the author, so you decide what you want in the story or not. :wink: Make your own decisions, because you can’t satisfy every reader that reads your story.


Write the story you want to write regardless of what people say they want or don’t want. You are never going to please everyone. While I can understand looking to these various forum posts as a way to understand what people do and don’t like to make your story more appealing in regards to functionality (CC, point systems, mini-games, ect.), it’s important to realize that only a small percentage of Episode readers actually use the forums. In fact, if you look at what people say they like or don’t like on the forums versus what’s actually trending, it’s pretty clear there’s a disconnect there. It’s important to write with your own voice rather than writing what you think will be successful. If you’re constantly writing to make use of trends and popularity you’ll just end up with a giant headache and a lot of frustration.


as a long time writer, my advice, just write what you wanna write, someone is always gonna dislike it.

me I dont care for CC, others has it as a most or els wont read. and I love choices but some are no thanks I get anxiety

so the most important thing writhing is its something you enjoy. sure their is advice to follow their can make it more popular, but in the end they are just advice. and with advice you take what you can use and leave the rest.

your the one writing the story the only who shall like it is yourself.


One important aspect to remember: you cannot please everyone.

  1. cc brings more trouble than help if the character’s origins (family, race, ethnics) are important to the story. One mishap and the readers will see mismatching family members or a blonde pure blooded African-American.
    But cc makes immersion a lot easier to achieve. It’s just a device to make the story feel reader-friendly.
    If you hate making small, unnoticeable changes every now and then, skip it. No reasons needed. If you want the immersion, add it.

  2. If you’ve played choice-based games before, they’re nerve wrecking on the first playthrough for one reason: you have no idea what’s in front of this event. Some likes to predict what they can or will see because they want to be in control.
    However, a predictable story doesn’t work well with suspense, action, shock, jumpscares and drama. The added layer of choices (success and failure) tops the excitement.
    If you want your story to be like a roller coaster in the hands of the readers, add it. If you don’t want to, just don’t.
    Keep in mind you’re the one coding. You need to code the failure branches too, should you add it.

  3. Description. Some wants it long, others want it short.
    It has by far the simplest answer in my opinion: if you feel like it, do it. If you don’t, give them nothing. If you want it long, so be it. What’re they gonna do anyway?


I’d say it really depends on who you want to write for.
Some authors focus more on what they want as the writer and others focus more on what their readers want or would like to have. There’re also those too that are somewhat in the middle and compromise a little bit of both (sometimes letting go of what they want in order to cater to the reader and sometimes letting go of what the reader wants in order to add smth they personally want).

This doesn’t only apply to all of an author’s works as a whole, but also to individual stories too — because one story by an author may be directed towards readers wants and needs whilst another story by the same author might be their passion project that they’re writing how they want to.

You can also ask yourself if missing out on potential readers matters to you or not e.g not having cc will cut out the readers who only read stories that have cc.

At the end of the day, not everyone can be pleased and what matters most is that you’re happy writing what you’re writing.


Honestly, I won’t mind leaving out this portion, cuz they are hardly interested in the story : )

But choices giving anxiety- scares me. Like, I spend time in coding branches and it gives someone anxiety : ) scary for me!

Guess I’ll continue balancing :smiling_face:

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I’ve been an author for quite a long time, and I would advise you to do whatever the h*ll you want with your story😈 not trying to be mean!!
if you start a story based on the reader’s preferences, you won’t feel motivated to keep going
do whatever you want and don’t worry about reads, do it for fun and some readers will come along the way!!
there’s ALWAYS a bunch of readers that are going to like your story!! likes are diverse :heart:


Thanks for that :relieved:


Finally having some courage to write a 3rd person narration on Episode! :grin:


of course!! if you’re feeling underwhelmed about it, write the story however you want and send me a message! I’ll read it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hello! Obviously following the likes of one reader, you’ll somewhat “disappoint” the other one, so it can’t become a fair game anyways.

As for me, when the story is trending, whatever the author added into it made it work in total. It’s not just long dialogues or cc, it’s dialogues AND cc AND the plot of course. Sometimes one thing pays off another. Some people don’t like it when there is limited cc. I’m not gonna feel sorry for skipping on a story that doesn’t contain cc at all, another reader will like it, it just means that there is another story for me out there and answering another one of the comments, it doesn’t mean that I’ve never read a book in my life, I read a lot actually, but episode is another sort of platform that allows you to make such an interraction and since it became so common, I see nothing wrong with wanting to make a chatacter. In a word, whatever the story lacks of, another aspect should pay off for the lacking. Limited cc? Okay, I have great directing and plot, so it doesn’t matter. My plot isn’t really thought through or directing is not as good as it could be? No probs, I’ll make the story as personalized as I can. But my point works if we’re talking in terms of “what will my readers like”, which was your question all along.

Couldn’t agree more with the following advice.

What I also think is that I usually try to write a story that I would love to read, I get inspired from others, which is more than okay, I get my experience not only when I’m writing, but when I’m reading as well, so try to remember what you personally liked in other stories, believe me that you’re not the only one that liked this thing, so your story will find it’s readers.
Good luck!