JemU776's Help Thread

If you zoom reset, it’ll show the background (if your background is 1 zone, this would be perfect for you). If your background is, let’s say 3 zones, and you want to show it all, unfortunately, if you zoom out too much, you’ll get “black screens” showing so you’d need to pan across all 3 zones to show the background in the most clearest way possible. Before you pan, you can place characters in the other zones doing animations (so ex. background characters).


&zoom reset

@pan to zone 3 in 5 then pause for 0.9 then pan to zone 1 in 5

#in this example, the camera slides from zone 1 to zone 3 in 5 seconds, pauses on zone 3 for 0.9 seconds and then slides back to zone 1 in 5 seconds.

I recommend to check out: HOW TO: Stage Direction & 🌙 HOW TO: Use Pans 🌙 & if you’d like: 🌹 HOW TO: Pan + Zoom at the same time + Extra Material 🌹

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