JemU776's Help Thread

Hey, @JemU776, can I get some help? I get the error ‘Unexpected: ELSE: else’ and it completely skips the if and else parts.

    NARR (SKY)
Quick choose her name!
Only one will get her completely off the hook!

choice [timed]
“Cindy Terretz” {
ALEX (talk_awkward)
My name is Cindy Terretz.
ALEX (talk_arms_crossed)
My father was Italian and my mom Latina.
ALEX (idle_awkward)
(That’s not the most solid reassurance that I’m legal but let’s hope it’s enough.)
gain cindy_terretz
} “Veronica Sanchez” {
ALEX (talk_awkward)
My name is Veronica Sanchez.
ALEX (talk_arms_crossed)
My mother was American and my father Spanish.
ALEX (idle_awkward)
(I have to make sure these cops know I’m legal or I could get in trouble.)
gain veronica_sanchez
} “Sophia Garcia” {
ALEX (talk_awkward)
My name is Sophia Garcia.
ALEX (talk_arms_crossed)
Both of my parents are Spanish, but I was born in the U.S.
ALEX (eyeroll_subtle)
(I have to make sure that these cops know I’m legal.)
gain sophia_garcia
} “Maya Santos” {
ALEX (talk_awkward)
My name is Maya Santos.
ALEX (talk_arms_crossed)
Both of my parents were spanish and I was born in Mexico but I have a green card.
ALEX (eyeroll_subtle)
(I have to make sure these cops know I’m legal.)
gain maya_santos
@cut to zone 2 and zoom on 533 266 to 433% in 0
RENAJAE (think)
if (“cindy_terretz”) {
else {
readerMessage I’m sorry, but you’re not completely off the hook, please answer the following questions!
RENAJAE (talk_think)
What law firm do you work at?
“Sky & M” {
@cut to zone 3 and zoom on 648 228 to 200% in 0
ALEX (talk_arms_crossed)
I work at Sky&M law firm.
@cut to zone 2 and zoom on 533 266 to 433% in 0
RENAJAE (talk_arms_crossed)
I know that law firm.
RENAJAE (talk_think)
I think my cousin is applying for a job there.
@cut to zone 3 and zoom on 648 228 to 200% in 0
ALEX (talk_afraid)
(Hurry, I need an excuse for why her cousin won’t see me there!)
} “Some legal law firm that you can’t remember the name of even though you work there” {
@cut to zone 3 and zoom on 648 228 to 200% in 0
ALEX (talk_unsure)
I can’t remember the name.
ALEX (deepbreath)
It must be all the shock from this experience.
@cut to zone 2 and zoom on 533 266 to 433% in 0
RENAJAE (talk_think)
That’s odd.
RENAJAE (talk_think)
What case are you working on?
“SkyM is suing Ria for calling her Cow Boi” {
@cut to zone 3 and zoom on 648 228 to 200% in 0
ALEX (talk_awkward)
SkyM is suing Ria for calling her Cow Boi.
@cut to zone 2 and zoom on 533 266 to 433% in 0
RENAJAE (talk_arms_crossed)
I know that case.
RENAJAE (talk_sad_timid)
Poor SkyM.
} “Ria is suing SkyM for not being a cowboy” {
@cut to zone 3 and zoom on 648 228 to 200% in 0
ALEX (talk_awkward)
Ria is suing SkyM for not being a cowboy.
@cut to zone 2 and zoom on 533 266 to 433% in 0
RENAJAE (talk_think)
I don’t remember that case.
RENAJAE (talk_shrug)
Oh well-
RENAJAE (talk_sad_timid)
Poor Sky.
}}}} elif(“sophia_garcia”) {
else (“maya_santos”) {
readerMessage Congrats! The officers believe your story and you don’t have to answer any extra questions!
@cut to zone 2 and zoom on 533 266 to 433% in 0
RENAJAE (talk_think)
label off_the_hook_or_no
@RENAJAE is write_notepad
readerMessage Only one will get you off the hook!!
RENAJAE (talk_think)
What alley were you in when Jesse was shot?
choice [timed]
“The one by Daniels on fourth street” {
@cut to zone 3 and zoom on 648 228 to 200% in 0
ALEX (talk_arms_crossed)
The one by Daniels on fourth street.
@cut to zone 2 and zoom on 533 266 to 433% in 0
RENAJAE (talk_arms_crossed)
Great, we’ll send more officers there now!
@RENAJAE is write_notepad
} “The one by main street, behind the club Diamonds” {
@cut to zone 3 and zoom on 648 228 to 200% in 0
ALEX (talk_unsure)
The one by main street, behind the club.
You have failed, please go back and click the correct choice!
“Go back!” {
goto off_the_hook_or_no
label try_again
RENAJAE (talk_think)
While hiding did the shooter notice you in any way?
choice [timed]
“No, the shooter kept their focus on Jesse” {
@cut to zone 3 and zoom on 648 228 to 200% in 0
ALEX (talk_arms_crossed)
The shooter did not.
ALEX (talk_sad_clutch)
They shot Jesse and ran.
} “Yes, the shoot shot towards my foot before running away” {
@cut to zone 3 and zoom on 648 228 to 200% in 0
ALEX (talk_awkward)
Yes, the shooter shot toward my foot before running away.
ALEX (talk_awkward)
Part of my heel was poking out.
This isn’t apart of your original story.
You were caught and sentenced to jail, try again.
goto try_again
@cut to zone 2 and zoom on 533 266 to 433% in 0
@RENAJAE is write_notepad
label renajaes_trust
RENAJAE (talk_arms_crossed)
You said you called your wife first-
RENAJAE (talk_think)
Why would you do that?
choice [timed]
“Because I trust her more than anyone” {
@cut to zone 3 and zoom on 648 228 to 200% in 0
ALEX (talk_arms_crossed)
I trust her more than anything and I her name was the first to pop into my head.
gain little_untrust
Narrow fly by, but you lost some of Renajae’s trust.
} “I was panicking and needed someone to calm me down” {
@cut to zone 3 and zoom on 648 228 to 200% in 0
ALEX (talk_sad_timid)
I was panicking and needed someone to calm me down.
ALEX (talk_sad_clutch)
She is the only one who can calm me down.
} “I didn’t know what to do in the moment so I acted inpulsively” {
@cut to zone 3 and zoom on 648 228 to 200% in 0
ALEX (talk_awkward)
I didn’t know what to do in the moment and acted impulsively.
You have lost all of Renajae’s trust, try again.
goto renajaes_trust
@cut to zone 2 and zoom on 533 266 to 433% in 0
@RENAJAE is write_notepad
label nobody_else
RENAJAE (talk_think)
Did you notice anyone close to where Jesse was shot?
choice [timed]
“Nope, they were all by the apartments on Danel’s street” {
@cut to zone 3 and zoom on 648 228 to 200% in 0
ALEX (talk_arms_crossed)
ALEX (talk_sad_timid)
Everybody were in their apartments.
} “Yes, a drug dealer” {
@cut to zone 3 and zoom on 648 228 to 200% in 0
ALEX (talk_awkward)
I saw a drug dealer around.
This answer’s a flop!
goto nobody_else
@cut to zone 2 and zoom on 533 266 to 433% in 0
@RENAJAE is write_notepad
label start_over_hehe
RENAJAE (talk_think)
Do you know the Martinezs personally?
choice [timed]
“No” {
@cut to zone 3 and zoom on 648 228 to 200% in 0
ALEX (talk_arms_crossed)
No, I do not.
} “Yes” {
@cut to zone 3 and zoom on 648 228 to 200% in 0
ALEX (talk_arms_crossed)
Yes, I do.
I luv making people start over, though I personally hate it.
goto start_over_hehe

  1. Missing a } in front of else. Don’t put " " around the gain name

else needs to be by itself. No quotations around your gain names.

Glancing over your template, I see a few other issues. Can you PM me thanks? :blob_hearts:

1 Like

Bump! Bookmarking!


I would like to add a tutorial I made:




@BRIE stands screen center
@pause for a beat

label dressing_game
BRIE (talk_condescending_atcamera)
I want to live in a world where choosing an outfit would be the hardest work ever. Lazy forever.
BRIE (talk_confused_mindblown)
What should I wear today?
choice “Back to 90s” {
@BRIE walks to screen centre in zone 2 AND BRIE is walk_neutral

@BRIE changes into 90s_VIBE

@BRIE walks to screen centre in zone 1 AND BRIE is walk_idle
BRIE (think_rubchin)
I look like a 90s chick.
@pause for 2

} “Black is in trend” {

@BRIE walks to screen centre in zone 2 AND BRIE is walk_neutral
@BRIE changes into BLACK_is_BOLD

@BRIE walks to screen centre in zone 1 AND BRIE is walk_idle
BRIE (talk_condescending_atcamera)
Black is bold.
@pause for 2

} “Fall theme sounds good” {

@BRIE walks to screen centre in zone 2 AND BRIE is walk_neutral
@BRIE changes into SEASON_OF_FALL

@BRIE walks to screen centre in zone 1 AND BRIE is walk_idle
BRIE (talk_condescending_atcamera)
Fall never fails me.
@pause for 2

    BRIE (think_rubchin)
(Is this what I want to wear?)

choice “Yep, I look cool.” {
BRIE (talk_condescending_atcamera)
I’m ready to hit the day.

} “Trump is better than me, eew” {
BRIE (eyeroll_subtle_atcamera)
Trump looks better than me, take me back.
goto label dressing_game


@BRIE stands screen center
@pause for a beat

label dressing_game
BRIE (talk_condescending_atcamera)
I want to live in a world where choosing an outfit would be the hardest work ever. Lazy forever.
BRIE (talk_confused_mindblown)
What should I wear today?
choice “Back to 90s” {
@BRIE walks to screen centre in zone 2 AND BRIE is walk_neutral

@BRIE changes into 90s_VIBE

@BRIE walks to screen centre in zone 1 AND BRIE is walk_idle
BRIE (think_rubchin)
I look like a 90s chick.
@pause for 2

} “Black is in trend” {

@BRIE walks to screen centre in zone 2 AND BRIE is walk_neutral
@BRIE changes into BLACK_is_BOLD

@BRIE walks to screen centre in zone 1 AND BRIE is walk_idle
BRIE (talk_condescending_atcamera)
Black is bold.
@pause for 2

} “Fall theme sounds good” {

@BRIE walks to screen centre in zone 2 AND BRIE is walk_neutral
@BRIE changes into SEASON_OF_FALL

@BRIE walks to screen centre in zone 1 AND BRIE is walk_idle
BRIE (talk_condescending_atcamera)
Fall never fails me.
@pause for 2

    BRIE (think_rubchin)
(Is this what I want to wear?)

choice “Yep, I look cool.” {
BRIE (talk_condescending_atcamera)
I’m ready to hit the day.

} “Trump is better than me, eew” {
BRIE (eyeroll_subtle_atcamera)
Trump looks better than me, take me back.
goto label dressing_game

(so this is a dressing game ive tried to code, but it dose’nt work, whenever i click on the choices, my character dont change into the outfits, please help)

You only need it once and then continue with the story. Also it is screen center not screen centre

Do you mean “the easiest work ever” in regards to outfits, not the “hardest work ever”

By the way, here are some dressing game examples to check out:


thank you for your help. and npe that is hardest , i added it , as a funny element in the story…

np :nerd_face:

Hey! I might use some advice regarding remembering choices.
Generally, at the very beginning (1st episode) you choose the language in which you want to read the story, and I used gains for that.

eg. script
Label choose_lang

"L_EN" {


"Yes" {

gain L_EN

} "No" {

goto choose_lang

} "L_ES" {

"Yes" {

gain L_ES

} "No" {

goto choose_lang



But in next episodes I figured that maybe someone would like to change back to English or smt, so there’s menu with settings, and I know that you cannot “ungain” things, SO I wonder is there any way to not give myself this extra coding? Will remembering choices with choice’s name work, if someone chooses to change language in next episodes?

Thanks in advance :two_hearts: xx

You can use the points system. So create a character called LANGUAGE and based on that, give it points.

More info here:

So ex.

Spanish has 1 language point, English has 2, French 3, then when you’re asking the reader, would you like to change the language? And if they press yes, you can set LANGUAGE points back to 0, and then assign new points to them. This is the method I’d recommend.

1 Like

HooOOOllyy shit, that’s brilliant! I don’t think I’d ever consider points system for it, THANK YOU SO MUCH :black_heart:

1 Like

bump :white_heart:


Hey how to show the scene of her showing the food?
and for readers to remember what they order
choice (Food)
“Chicken nuggets and Fries and salad on the side”{

    NOELLE (talk_sit_anklescrossed_neutral_loop)
Chicken nuggets and fries and salad on the side.

    WAITRESS (talk_neutral)

if (Food “Chicken nuggets and Fries and salad on the side”) {
@WAITRESS walks to spot 0.938 264 170 in zone 3 in 4 AND WAITRESS is walk_neutral_loop AND WAITRESS moves to layer 0
&WAITRESS spot 0.938 200 148 in zone 3 AND WAITRESS moves to layer 0 AND WAITRESS is pickup_object_neutral
&overlay FOOD 43 create
&overlay FOOD 43 opacity 1 in 0
@overlay 6160912332750848_FOOD 43 shifts to 89 151 in zone 3
@overlay 6160912332750848_FOOD 43 scales to 0.172 0.172
@overlay 6160912332750848_FOOD 43 moves to layer 6

} elif(Food “Chicken curry an India dish”) {

else {


}“Chicken curry an India dish”{

    NOELLE (talk_sit_crossarms_neutral)
I'll take the chicken curry.

@WAITRESS is listen_nod_happy_loop

}“Beef on pita bread and side of white rice”{

    NOELLE (talk_sit_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
I'll take the beef on pita bread and side of white rice.

    WAITRESS (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
Okay, I will bring your food soon.

}“Pasta with tomatoes”{

    NOELLE (talk_sit_anklescrossed_neutral_loop)
I'll take the pasta with tomatoes.

    WAITRESS (talk_handsonhips_neutral)


#Writing up the choice:

choice (Food)
“Chicken nuggets and Fries and salad on the side”{

NOELLE (talk_sit_anklescrossed_neutral_loop)
Chicken nuggets and fries and salad on the side.

WAITRESS (talk_neutral)

}“Chicken curry an India dish”{

NOELLE (talk_sit_crossarms_neutral)
I’ll take the chicken curry.

@WAITRESS is listen_nod_happy_loop

}“Beef on pita bread and side of white rice”{

NOELLE (talk_sit_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
I’ll take the beef on pita bread and side of white rice.

WAITRESS (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
Okay, I will bring your food soon.

}“Pasta with tomatoes”{

NOELLE (talk_sit_anklescrossed_neutral_loop)
I’ll take the pasta with tomatoes.

WAITRESS (talk_handsonhips_neutral)


#remembering the choice:

if (Food is “Chicken nuggets and Fries and salad on the side”) {
@WAITRESS walks to spot 0.938 264 170 in zone 3 in 4 AND WAITRESS is walk_neutral_loop AND WAITRESS moves to layer 0
&WAITRESS spot 0.938 200 148 in zone 3 AND WAITRESS moves to layer 0 AND WAITRESS is pickup_object_neutral
&overlay FOOD 43 create
&overlay FOOD 43 opacity 1 in 0
@overlay 6160912332750848_FOOD 43 shifts to 89 151 in zone 3
@overlay 6160912332750848_FOOD 43 scales to 0.172 0.172
@overlay 6160912332750848_FOOD 43 moves to layer 6

} elif(Food is “Chicken curry an India dish”) {

} elif(Food is “Beef on pita bread and side of white rice”) {



#for else, the option “Pasta with tomatoes” will be remembered. Test on the app.

By the way, you can read more on remembering past choices here:

1 Like

I know… I already read but when i go on the app
if elif else it doesn’t show the scene…

#If you prefer, you could try the other method, by using gains, so:

choice (Food)
“Chicken nuggets and Fries and salad on the side”{

NOELLE (talk_sit_anklescrossed_neutral_loop)
Chicken nuggets and fries and salad on the side.

WAITRESS (talk_neutral)


}“Chicken curry an India dish”{

NOELLE (talk_sit_crossarms_neutral)
I’ll take the chicken curry.

@WAITRESS is listen_nod_happy_loop


}“Beef on pita bread and side of white rice”{

NOELLE (talk_sit_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
I’ll take the beef on pita bread and side of white rice.

WAITRESS (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
Okay, I will bring your food soon.


}“Pasta with tomatoes”{

NOELLE (talk_sit_anklescrossed_neutral_loop)
I’ll take the pasta with tomatoes.

WAITRESS (talk_handsonhips_neutral)



#Then to remember it using gains:

@WAITRESS walks to spot 0.938 264 170 in zone 3 in 4 AND WAITRESS is walk_neutral_loop AND WAITRESS moves to layer 0
&WAITRESS spot 0.938 200 148 in zone 3 AND WAITRESS moves to layer 0 AND WAITRESS is pickup_object_neutral
&overlay FOOD 43 create
&overlay FOOD 43 opacity 1 in 0
@overlay 6160912332750848_FOOD 43 shifts to 89 151 in zone 3
@overlay 6160912332750848_FOOD 43 scales to 0.172 0.172
@overlay 6160912332750848_FOOD 43 moves to layer 6

chicken nuggets and Fries and salad on the side scene here


chicken curry an India dish scene here

} elif(PITA_BREAD){

#Beef on pita bread and side of white rice scene here


#Pasta with tomatoes scene here


Test on the app. By the way, when you’re trying out other food options, don’t forget to reset your gain(s)/flag(s). How to here:

& you’ll find that this may come in handy in regards to if/elif/else statements:

1 Like

Hi, can you help me with the script? I want to make character react_lay_shocked but when I do character is turn to another side how is that possible?! Please help me :pleading_face:
Here is how it looks:

Have Dee face right instead of left

How to show a character walking back and forth while spotted?