Just published first three chapters! (READ FOR READ)

Here are my story’s details
I’ll send u screenshots of your story on instagram as a proof :smile:

Title: Stuck With You
Author: Tanzanite
Bio: On her way to recover, the last thing Linda expected was to run into her charming ex once again. Along with her hot rebound , she discovers his dirty little secrets.
Genre: Action
Episodes: 27 (on going)
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6104823139926016

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Title: Fantastical: The Lost Princess

Style: LimeLight

Episodes: 3

Author: CasperTheBeast

Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6234579175604224

Okay I will too!

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Hey! Sorry the reply took long. Yes, i started the first episode last night. I’m already intrigued lol and i love the cover! Please send screenshot and send feedback!!

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:slight_smile: :slight_smile::slight_smile:
Author Name: Episodebykiara
Story Title: Superhuman
Genre: Action
Description: An invasion is coming, only solution is to turn humans into superhumans.
Published? (Yes or No):
Instagram: Episodebykiara
Episodes: 1 and 2 onlyimage

Miss Avery’s Little Secret
Avery has been avoiding one thing her whole life, her past. What happens when it all comes rushing back? Will her secret be told? Will the people she loves trust her?
12 current episodes
link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6280877164593152
dm ig @episode.hina

Name: The Ember Moon Pack
Description: You’re the Queen of the Supernaturals. What’ll happen when you find out that your mate is your pack’s enemy, and your kidnapper? CC ChoicesMatter
Chapters: technically 3 bc ch 2 is customization
Genre: Fantasy/romance/horror
Style: Limelight
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5387476824358912
Instagram: emberpackepisode :heartbeat: