Killerfrost’s Art Shop! (Free and paid <3)

It’s so gorgeous!! :sob: Thank you so much, I love it!! :heartpulse:

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Hiya Hun!You’re art is absolutely mesmerising!I love it and welcome back even tho I’m kinda late a bit :woman_facepalming:t2::sweat_smile:
If you’re still up to the “giveaway thing” here’s my details,it’s not ink tho,sowry :pleading_face::confused::hugs:


I love red…that’s kinda it :clown_face::rofl: and daggers like fancy ones,if that helps you out a little!Please let your imagination run free with this if you choose to do it!:heart::hugs:

You can choose any kind of outfit you would like on her. If not just as a backup here’s a dress

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