[CLOSED] KylieJay’s Art Shop!🌻

kk thank you


Hey! Soooo I need your opinion! I cropped both backgrounds you sent me differently. I thought you wanted a large cover, so I made those, but then I realized your request said small…so…I’m sending both​:sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I have all the pictures labeled so just let me know which ones you like and want me to finish! Or if you’d like me to try something else😊

Also, simple image resizer isn’t working for me😭 so I’m including a side by side of what the images will look like when uploaded to the portal.



I personally like the ones with the original background you sent, but obviously it’s up to you!:slightly_smiling_face:


I like the original as well!! You can do the one with the original background. Oh, and thank you for sending both a large and small cover! (The L1 & S2)

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@KylieJay I love your recent pieces :partying_face::fire: especially the highlight and well textured, drawn work!! :eyes::partying_face::heartpulse:

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lol alright, how are these? Any changes??

I absolutely loved drawing your characters in this style. I haven’t had anyone request ink style shading so this was so much fun to do!:two_hearts:


Ahw thank you so much!! Pretty much all of my requests now are for drawn work, and I’m okay with that because I actually enjoy it a lot more than just editing hehe :laughing::two_hearts::sunflower:


Thank you! It looks really good! :butterfly:

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If either or both gets rejected for “excessive blood” (which has happened to me before) just shoot me a pm and I can fix it for you! I’ll keep the unedited covers in case that happens :slightly_smiling_face:


Here’s your overlay! Let me know if it’s alright or not :blush::two_hearts:
I think this is not sending transparent🙃 I can dm it to you on IG if that’s the case… just lmk🤦🏼‍♀️


Thank you so much!!!

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@KylieJay Hey I just changed the girl and boy’s hair and the girl’s Outfit!
I changed the outfit because it glitches when you preview the story
And I changed the hair because of the update!


Hey! No problem!
Thanks for letting me know🙂


Hey! I’m working on your cover right now and I just want to send you the pose I made to see if it’s what you had in mind? This is what I’d be tracing over, so don’t mind it looking a little rough😂

And Noah will be looking at the camera, I just didn’t bother moving his eyes yet lol

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Yes she looks amazing! And I love the pose, but there is something about Noah’s lips? Idek sorry I’m being so picky :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:

Hey don’t apologize! That’s why I sent this first, because I wanna make sure you’re happy with it :blush:
Do you want his mouth closed instead? I originally had it closed, but I changed it to this so there was a bit of difference in their facial expressions.


That is honestly perfect tysm :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Awesome! That’s what I’ll trace over then :blush::two_hearts:


Are you open to drawing my character?

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I can add your name to my list :slightly_smiling_face: but it’s still rather long at the moment, so it might be at least 2-3 weeks before I can get to it!


Loving all the artwork I’m not requesting just amazed at your talent