Label and goto issue please help!

Hey, I’m having a huge problem with labels and it’s so frustrating to not find a solution so I’m asking for help, I’ll explain my script:
label whoyou_danceif



choice (Dancewithboth1)
“Dance with both” {

goto dancewithboth
} “Dance with Harry” {

goto dancewithharry
} "Dance with Billie " {
You don’t have enough points to dance with Billie.

goto whoyou_danceif



choice (Dancewithboth2)
“Dance with both” {

goto dancewithboth
} “Dance with Harry” {
You don’t have enough points to dance with Harry.

goto whoyou_danceif

} "Dance with Billie " {

goto dancewithbillie

else {
Congrats! You have the same amount of points with Billie and Harry, you can choose who you wanna dance with!
choice (Dancewithboth3)
“Dance with both” {

goto dancewithboth

} “Dance with Harry” {

goto dancewithharry

} "Dance with Billie " {

goto dancewithbillie

label dancewithbillie
#the scene of the dance with billie that I don’t wanna copy because it’s too long

label dancewithharry
#the scene of the dance with harry

label dancewithboth
goto dancewithbillie
#smooth transition between the scene with billie and the scene with harry
goto dancewithharry

#the rest of the story goes here

Now the problem is, if the reader chooses Billie, the scene plays, then it goes to the scene with Harry, and the scene where you dance with both of them.
The label that includes the dance with Billie and with Harry doesn’t show the transition I added and goes straight to dancing with Harry, and again Billie, and again Harry, and I just wrote an endless episode by mistake.
I have no idea how to fix this, I tried to find a way to end a label but I couldn’t find anything, please help I’ve been working on that episode for weeks and I just wanna end it lmao

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at the end of the scene where the reader dances with someone, say goto end_1 or something like that. then add a label for end_1 at the end of all the dances

Thank you!

I’m getting this error "Unexpected GOTO: (u’continue_story’,False) when I added the label continue_story between label dancewithbillie and label dancewithharry

label dancewithbillie
goto continue_story

label dancewithharry
goto continue_story

label dancewithboth
goto dancewithbillie
goto dancewithharry

label continue_story
#rest of the story

I had a sound playing before, that caused the error, sorry and thank you again!


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