Let me read your squad stories!

I will only be reading 3 episodes total

For the first 10 people.

  1. @EtherealWitch (Reading)
  2. @Lin.Steeles (Completed)
  3. @tyratuna (Starting)
  4. @ihicks01
  5. @episode.mistletoe
  6. @GoldenWaves
  7. @Treas_H
  8. @lanafrazer_episode
  9. @Shruti


  1. @Tabitha_Williams_3

Here’s my story! :blob_hearts:

Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5282834677956608

Title: Squad: Woodness
Author: Aite (@aite.writes on ig)
A magician, an elf, a werewolf and a ghost meet in a cell. A princess is missing, a witch has vanished. It’s just the beginning.
Try to keep yourself alive.
Genre: Adventure
Style: Limelight

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Title - Squad: Escape or Die
Author - Lin
Genre - Mystery
Description - 5 high school classmates of 10 years prior reunite, only to find themselves trapped together in a mysterious red room and a threat on their lives.
Features - CC, Choices Matter, Point System, Mini Games focus

Do let me know if you get tuck in the mini games!


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Hi! Here’s my story!
Title - Squad: Sleeping Dogs
Genre - Mystery
Description - 4 teens find themselves being forced to solve a mystery together. Will they uncover the secrets of Rochdale or will they discover it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie?
Author name/IG - Tuna/@epybruh
Link - http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5960964081123328
Cover -

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Here is mine :grin: I hope you decide to read it!

Title: Squad: The Split Kingdom

Release Date: OUT NOW!

Description: The Ice Queen declared war on your kingdom, In retaliation, your king has a plan. 5 citizens will infiltrate the Ice kingdom, with one nearly impossible goal…


Point System
Choices Matter
Advanced Directing
Multiple Playable Characters


The Best Stories Are Worth Sharing: Squad: The Split Kingdom

Checkout this story, on the Episode App! If you like it, support the story by passing it along!

My Instagram (for more info, sneak peaks, trailers and updates): https://www.instagram.com/zaywrites.episode/

A sneak peak for my story: https://www.instagram.com/p/CA04RDeFfnQ/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet

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Moved to Promote Your Story since Community is for discussion of specific stories. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about creating topics, and feel free to PM me if you’ve got questions. :wink:

thanks for this! i hope you enjoy my story :heartpulse:

Author name: Mistletoe
Instagram: @episode.mistletoe
Style: Limelight
Genre: Adventure (and some fantasy later on)
Description: You enroll in Aequor Academy, thinking it would be a normal, boring summer. But when you come across a secret room, you discover there’s so much more to the academy than it seems.

  • customization
  • choose LI gender
  • mini-games
  • advanced directing
  • point system
  • choose body type


Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5895955347079168

Enjoy :dizzy::rose:

Title: Squad: Mafia Descent: Price to Pay
Author: LeeLee.Epy
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6068985977962496

(New) Description: Mending Love.Sincere Trust.Reopen wounds & Legal businesses equal a ticket out for the Morenos & the Del Ciellos, but who’s ever escaped the Mafia…without a price to pay?

Genre: Action :Romance/Drama
Instagram: LeeLee.Epy https://www.instagram.com/leelee.epy/
Contains: Choices, Limited “character” Customization, Music & Sounds, Advanced Directing

Episodes: 3

Here is the information for my story with the link and small cover

Title: Squad: Masterminds

Author: Treas H

Genre: Thriller

Style: Limelight

Description: After someone starts digging into the death of their friend five years ago, Four former friends are forced to reunite and race to cover their tracks. But in their effort to put out the fire, will they actually fuel the flames.

Episodes: 4 (Ongoing)

Instagram: @treash.stories

Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5637503643222016

Squad: Unseen Media
By: lanafrazer.episode
Instagram: @lanafrazer.episode
Genre: Action & Adventure
Style: Limelight
Episodes: 3 (on-going)
Description: A freelance photographer is in search of finding individuals who have the same interests in the media industry. What happens when he meets Tameka, who’s a vlogger?

Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/4613745272881152

:heavy_check_mark: No CC & Limited CC.
:heavy_check_mark: Mini-Games
:heavy_check_mark: Point-System (first time learning the point system)
:heavy_check_mark: 4 MCs ( All MCs are from The Bahamas)
:heavy_check_mark: Choices
:heavy_check_mark: Advanced Directing
:heavy_check_mark: No Art Scenes/No Romance
:heavy_check_mark: Tappable Choices (first time getting the hang on tappable directing)
:heavy_check_mark: This story will be mainly focusing on family and friendships.

I’d love it if you could check out my story!

Title: Squad: The Hunt

Author: Shruti Karthikeyan


Love your story so far but I’m stuck here.

The screen doesn’t pan.

It should pan up and down, if it doesn’t it’s a problem of the app, because the code is right :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, it’s the app. I am tapping everywhere and can’t move.

Hello. This is my new squad contest entry that has been released :blush::slightly_smiling_face: :

Story Title: Squad: The Gavinville Paranormal Team
Episode App Synopsis: In Gavinville, monsters attempt to plague the city with its enhanced evil, and it is up to four squad heroes Karen, Sharon, Regina, and Max and Kyle to stop them. But will they?
Full Synopsis:
In a town called Gavinville, monsters are known to plague the city with its evil and are up to no good, so it’s up to a squad team of heroes, Karen, Sharon, Regina, and Max and Kyle to stop the monsters from wrecking havoc in the city. But will they stop it in time? CC, Customize your squad, CC Name customization for two squad members,
Genre: Action, Horror, a bit of suspense, Comedy, etc.
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5755059564773376

  • Most choices do matter
  • Point System
  • Love Interests for Every Squad Member including Morgana
  • Mini games and tappable mini-games, etc.
  • There are some LGBTQ+ characters in this story, including my character Morgana the witch, a character who is a former bisexual, and more. I will be also adding some more as the story progresses :rainbow_flag:
  • A Photoshoot at the end of chapter 3 for all of your squad members :grin::slightly_smiling_face: :framed_picture::camera_flash:

IG: @twes2363.episode. You can send me screenshots of my story and tag me or if you want to DM there as well there and thank you so much for this thread :blush::relaxed:

Thank you so much for reading our squad stories!!! :’)
Here’s my story below:

Title: Squad: Evident
Author: Piki
Genre: Drama/Mystery/Romance
Description: An unlikely team consisting of your detective best friend, neighborhood delinquent, and rivaling prosecutor form to unravel the evident truth of your father’s wrongful conviction.

Link to story: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5324137063317504
Instagram: @piki.episode https://www.instagram.com/piki.episode/

Omg, loved it!
I thought something will pop out of that red door :sweat_smile:

Ahaha sorry to disappoint :joy: If only this were a horror story! Thanks for reading :grin:

Here’s mine!
Story: Squad: 3 Wishes
Genre: Comedy
Description: After accidentally summoning a Genie, Kassie and her friends must be granted three wishes in order for the Genie to return to where she came from. Only she doesn’t want to return.
Squad_3_Wishes_posterThumb_YqHlYNCt9w (1)


Read My Story!!!

Story title: Squad: Crazy Little Mess As Long As you Love Me

Genre: Romance (Romantic Comedy)

Style: LL, Spotlight

Spoiler: Your Best Friend is getting married to whom she doesn’t love. You and your other friends plan to kidnap the Groom, and a handsome stranger and a weird couple join your cause.

Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5698336477872128

Follow my page in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/episodeAN