Let’s Talk About...Contests!


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Bump :wink:

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Hi, so this is something I don’t really understand about contests, sorry if this sounds stupid :joy: :skull: but are contests the same, as in, for example the queer contest is over and people have won and everything, will the queer contest ever come back?

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No, I think they try to do different prompts. There could be a similar genre, for example there have been multiple romance contests, and there could be another lgbt+ focused one again, but the prompts won’t be the same.

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Oh okay, thanks :))

Yes. H&V and Fairy Tales (I sort of took a Episode break in between)

:slightly_frowning_face: No

They are fun. They give you a certain goal to achieve which can be motivating. Also there are lots of stories that have a similiar “topic” and it’s interesting to see what others did with the same prompt.

It would be nice to know how much time on has exactly to get 100 reads. In the Episode Explained it says around 7-14 days. That’s not too helpful.

Not really …

I really loved the Fairy Tales Contest, but in general everything fantasy related is great.

Something Science Fiction related would be great or TimeTraveling or something historical maybe.

Not really. But I would appriciate it if Episode would promote the contests more (on the app, like with a working filter option or something like that).

Not really.

Hey I’m currently hosting my first contest ever if you guys are interested