Lets do a (R4R) đź’«

You must provide screenshots that you’ve completed all three episodes.

If you decide to dm, post your story here first.

Title: Squad: Mafia Descent: Price to Pay
Author: LeeLee.Epy
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6068985977962496

(New) Description: Mending Love.Sincere Trust.Reopen wounds & Legal businesses equal a ticket out for the Morenos & the Del Ciellos, but who’s ever escaped the Mafia…without a price to pay?

Genre: Action :Romance/Drama
Instagram: LeeLee.Epy https://www.instagram.com/leelee.epy/
Contains: Choices, Limited “character” Customization, Music & Sounds, Advanced Directing

Episodes: 3


Let’s do it :slight_smile:

Link: https://linktr.ee/kennedymolly97

Ive read this story. :rofl:

I’m open to doing a R4R with you!

Story Title: Squad: Thornvalley
Author Name: Briana M.
Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Description: Senior year is supposed to be a year of excitement, ambition and fun. Not a year to solve a whole mystery! At least not for five students to solve!
# of Episodes: 4 (ongoing)
Instagram: @brianam.stories
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6530377683501056

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I am up for R4R
here is my story
Story name -Memory lost
Genre- Drama
Description - Lyle lost her memory while saving another person and her bravery turns the spotlight onto her…Little does she know, there’s someone watching her from the shadow.
CC,2 endings,1LI
Link http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6255861402107904

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Hope all of your story get hype :heartbeat:

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Cool, I’m starting yours.

Story Title: Squad: The Gavinville Paranormal Team
Episode App Synopsis: In Gavinville, monsters attempt to plague the city with its enhanced evil, and it is up to four squad heroes Karen, Sharon, Regina, and Max and Kyle to stop them. But will they?
Full Synopsis:
In a town called Gavinville, monsters are known to plague the city with its evil and are up to no good, so it’s up to a squad team of heroes, Karen, Sharon, Regina, and Max and Kyle to stop the monsters from wrecking havoc in the city. But will they stop it in time? CC, Customize your squad, CC Name customization for two squad members,
Genre: Action, Horror, a bit of suspense, Comedy, etc.
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5755059564773376

  • Most choices do matter
  • Point System
  • Love Interests for Every Squad Member including Morgana
  • Mini games and tappable mini-games, etc.
  • There are some LGBTQ+ characters in this story, including my character Morgana the witch, a character who is a former bisexual, and more. I will be also adding some more as the story progresses :rainbow_flag:
  • A Photoshoot at the end of chapter 3 for all of your squad members :grin::slightly_smiling_face::framed_picture::camera_flash:
