Let's talk about it: Insecurities! What are they and how can you cope?

Hey guys! Amani back again with this week’s “Let’s talk about it!” This week we are discussing insecurities.

What are insecurities?

Insecurities are things about yourself that make you uncomfortable or upset. Things that are touchy subjects so for example: acne! Acne is one of the biggest Insecurities out there. People feel really uncomfortable when someone mentions their acne and them themselves dislike it. You might be thinking: Well aren’t we all uncomfortable about acne? Actually no, some people don’t care at all! That’s how you know it’s an insecurity.

What are some of your insecurities and how do you cope with them?


One of my biggest insecurities is my weight. I am going to the gym and trying to change how I eat to help me lose weight. I even have a personal trainer (he’s actually in on of my stories) but the weight loss is happening really slowly. I try to be happy with how I am to help me cope with my weight but it’s extremely difficult to do so when you have your parents constantly reminding you that you need to lose weight and always commenting when they you see eating. As much as I love food, I actually don’t eat a lot. I eat maximum twice a day although I’m trying to change that to 3 times a day yet there’s always still comments. It’s gotten too much to the point where when I have a little snack, I feel so guilty and I have to quickly finish what I’m eating or hide what I’m eating to avoid being bothered. I know my parent’s don’t mean no harm and they don’t understand how unbearable it can be, but they’re the reason why I am so insecure. A lot of people consider me as thick but all I see is fat. I think the best way to cope would be to surround myself with people who are more positive but I live with them so that’s impossible lol


I have a lot of insecurities. One of the biggest ones for me is my appearance overall. I don’t like the way I look. A lot of people call me pretty and beautiful but I just don’t see it. I’ve been called ugly for most of my life. I don’t even take pictures of myself anymore.

The best way to cope, is to surround myself with positive people I guess. It’s tough though.


I only have a few I tend to not really care about insecurities but my huge one is my stomach I mean I went to the doctors and even people that said I look great I still just don’t like how my tummy is just there and yeah which isn’t good because I will admit I tried doing dangerous things to make it smaller. But I’ve stopped now but still feel a certain way with it. Even when I was snuggling with my boyfriend and he was poking me and almost poked my tummy I just kinda was like:”oh no no ew.” And it just kinda slipped out and stuff as to why I’d say that but eh it’s hard to deal with that.

But honestly after this appointment I had and just a break from school I think I’ll be okie dokie for now and I’ll just try not to look on the bad side all the time.


I have many insecurities… I hate everything about myself. Even my personality… I always feel like I’m annoying everyone. :confused:


I don’t like the way I look. I hate my appearance so much that I barely go out :slightly_smiling_face:.I even deleted my Instagram account because I can’t take a great picture.




Dude I hate myself so much to the point that I can’t even look at myself in the mirror


I guess that’s why I have an eating disorder. :joy::joy:

Like I’m so ugly, the damn mirror cracks when I look into it! I don’t even get respect from objects! :skull:


Lmao saaaame. But I’m sorry that you have an eating disorder :confused: nobody should have to go through that


Message to everyone: you’re all amazing and beautiful and don’t you forget it


Aww thanks.

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My appearance, weight, height, the way I talk, my loud mouth, how bad at testing I am and my body in general, fingers and ass


forhead, thighs, stomach, butt, feet, jacked u fingers.

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i’m insecure about my face, skin, weight, grades, legs, ass (i know, stupid), stomach FOR SURE, fingers, nails, personality &… height :woman_shrugging:t2:


I related to this a lot!

  1. Appearance. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You’re beautiful and I don’t even need to know what you look like. Don’t forget that!
  2. Weight. I have trouble eating so I get it! It’s complicated and hard but just know if someone judges your weight, it’s because they are just ignorant.
  3. Height. Me too I’m really tall for my age so I hate it. Height though, you can’t change. I know it sounds silly but you have to understand that we all are different and our height shouldn’t matter!
  4. Talking and mouth. Girl I get it. Everyone calls me loud and annoying. An easy way to cope is to say “who cares? At least I can speak up for myself and I can be heard”.
  5. Testing. Ah yes! One thing I do is just imaging it’s a regular assignment. I will work on it but won’t stress on it!

Don’t worry these are all common. I wish I could help more but all I’ll say is:

If you’re beautiful inside, the outside doesn’t matter

For grades? If you have determination, you can do it

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Same girl.


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