Longest Relationship/Friendship + What You Learned!

What is the longest Relationship/ Friendship you have ever been in
And what have you learned or are learning?
:brown_heart: :green_heart: :ringer_planet: :rainbow:


The ones with my friends from Chinese school that I’ve had for 9 years now. I’m not that close with them anymore, since we now live in different states and cities, but we still occasionally talk. I’m sure that if I got to talk to them face to face, we’d be the same. It’s just that we barely talk anymore, and it’s kind of sad. But I still know that they’re always there for me. :slight_smile:


I’ve been in a friendship since we started kindergarten so we were like 2 years old, but now we don’t talk much cause I rarely go to Italy and we don’t see each other. I’ve learned to make friendships I guess :joy:

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My longest was 4 years. It ended. I’d say I learned a lot. With that friendship, I grew to love to express myself, to not be afraid to do something, to have courage, and a lot of happiness


*✧・゚: ✧・゚:
My longest friendship is 7 years. We’re still friends, but we aren’t close as we used to be. I honestly learned that being friends with someone doesn’t mean you have to be around them 24/7. A loyal friend will always come around.

If you have a friend and you guys don’t talk as much and you’re worried, (let’s say) don’t worry! As I said, a loyal friend will always come around. :heart:
*✧・゚: ✧・゚:


The one I’ve had with someone who i consider to be my guy best friend, for 10 years now and that we’ve had since we were back in kindergarten and were 4 or 5. And through this friendship I’ve learned how to love and accept myself, that’s it ok to be sensitive and vulnerable, that I’m not as bad of a friend as i think i am, to be brave, to be happy, and most of all that I am worthy of being loved.

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14+ years and counting. I learned that each day me and my best friend spends together, each day I learn something new about her :heartpulse:


The longest friendship I’ve ever had is…
counts on fingers frantically
One decade long! Honestly it might not seem that long but I haven’t actually been alive for much more than a decade so :joy:

The most important thing I have learnt about friendships is that true friends will love you for who you are. In primary school, I created a whole another identity for myself so that I could fit in with the boys so that I was less likely to be bullied. I mean, it worked. But I felt so insecure for like 5 years. I never even expressed my true self at home where nobody could see. I hid my true self, abused it and pushed it far down. But now in secondary school, I have found true friends who love me for exactly who I am, who are okay with the fact that I have mental illnesses, and who love my passion and overexcitedness and overthinking. I don’t to pretend to love football and basketball and hate pink. I don’t have to like TikTok and go zkskskwksisksks and have scrunchies to fit in with the popular girls. I couldn’t be happier with who I’ve got.


Very true!
during a time where I was finding out who I truly am I always thought I would not fit in or be as popular anymore!
but people actually loved me for the real me!
And regardless if they didn’t or not… I realized that I should still be true to myself and that true friends will always except me no matter what!

BE TRUE TO YOURSELF AND BE CONFIDENT IN YOURSELF :brown_heart: :cherry_blossom: :green_heart: :rainbow:

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My longest friendship is 18 years long😂 I learned a lot from this friendship. I can be myself with him, I don’t have to hide my crazy personality. I am kinda shy, but if I get to know someone, I am a whole different person. And I am happy that I didn’t scare him away yet😂


WOW that’s a very long time!
I love that :brown_heart: :cherry_blossom: :green_heart:

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Yesss Queen! :cherry_blossom: :brown_heart: :green_heart:

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Im glad you learned a lot! and may more true friends come around :brown_heart: :cherry_blossom: :green_heart: :rainbow:

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Yeah, sometimes it feels too long. He is the perfect example of person who gets on people’s nerves easily​:joy::heart:

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A friend for 12 years. I learned to stick up for myself more and to avoid toxic situations whenever possible. It wasn’t really a great friendship and I always felt a I don’t know insecure? around her I still don’t regret being friends with her (or ending our friendship) because she taught me a lot and at the end of the day she was there for me through some really hard times and we did have good times as well.

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thank you! <3

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I am sorry for that and it’s good you guys had good times as well!, and I hope you get into some even better friendships in the future that make you feel better about yourself. :cherry_blossom: :brown_heart: :green_heart:

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Thank you :heart:. We ended it a few years back but we’d already been drifting so we’d both made more friends ( we were never each others only friends, I’m not sure how I would’ve coped if we were but she was my best friend) so I do have much better friends now and my current best friends are actually girls I’ve known as long as the first girl but they never got along. Is that oversharing? Oh, whatever lmao.

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I was friends with this girl for around 10-11 years and WOW, I have learned about what type of friend I want. She treated me like garbage. I know I deserve better now.
I have a lot of beef with her still, and we haven’t spoken face to face in years. Considering she is unstable, I don’t want to go off on her because for some reason, I still care about her. I don’t want her to hurt herself.
But damn, I hate her.


This isn’t a long friendship I had, but is definitely one that changed my life. I’m not going to reveal her real name, but let’s just call her Mia.
Mia and I have always known each other since we were seven. We both attended the same gymnastics program. Our moms became friends instantly and they never really understood why we weren’t friends. The idea never appealed to me because whatever I saw made me not want to be her friend. In my eyes, she had everyone wrapped around her finger. Everyone in the gym was her friend and everyone loved her. Me on the other hand, I didn’t have many friends, maybe one or two, but eventually they grew out of the sport and I was alone. It wasn’t until last year when we became friends.
Last year a really shocking secret came out about me to my family, school, and friends. Some people weren’t so supportive of me, which caused me to start going down the rabbit hole of blaming myself. Mia noticed this and cheered me up. At first, I pushed her away because I still had those same views about her, but she didn’t give up.
It surprised me because all my life people around me judged me and gave up on me. She didn’t.
We became incredibly close within weeks. Which sounds crazy and cliche, but it’s true. We both understood each other so well.
I went through a lot of different feelings and things, some of which included suicidal thoughts, bullying etc. but she was there to help me through it.
Our friendship came to an end after about almost a year. When I lost her, I was a complete mess. I didn’t know how to cope. I cried everyday and didn’t do anything. (it was during the summer break)
The things I learned from her were:
-Never give up. Something that is so vague, but in this case, never give up on people. You don’t know what is going through their mind. Even if they look okay, they might not.
-Don’t take things granted.
-Don’t get used to things, because things are always changing no matter what.
-People are amazing. Some can do you so much good and help. Don’t be afraid to let someone in. You never know what will happen, unless you try.
God, I miss her so much. I’m so sorry for what I did to her, but I can’t undo it.
sorry this is so long lol