Looking for a closet door overlay

Does anyone have a closet door overlay? one with slates that a person hiding can peek through if that makes sense. I can’t seem to find ay online.

hey! idk if you still need this, but I went ahead and found two things.

You can either have the character look through this middle line right here in this photo (This one I did not touch at all)

Or you can use this overlay image I found, and edited myself so it can have that “peeking through” effect. If you use this one, you could credit my IG or forums account :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you so much!!! I will credit you either way for finding them for me!!!

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Is that what you’re kind of looking for ?

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Yes that’s perfect!!!

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I’m open to making adjustments or searching deeper!

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Aw! I’m glad! <3 good luck with your story, love!

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Thank you!!!