Looking for a co-author to work with (Closed)

Hey, I was in need of a co-author. Someone to help with coding and story planning. I’m pretty good with coding and story planning but having someone to help would be cool. I need someone who is at least decent at coding and able to work and communicate when needed. If you want to be my co-author just pm me and let me know what you can do and ideas you have. I have some ideas, so I’ll let you know when you pm me.

-Nilla :slight_smile:

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What genre would it be?

Fantasy Romance, at least that’s what my idea is.

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Maybe you could PM me the idea? I’m don’t like writing romance that often but if I like the idea I’ll be your co-writer.

Moved to Find a Writing Partner. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about creating topics, and feel free to PM me if you’ve got questions. :smiley:

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