Looking for a Collaboration

I’ve tried writing a story with another author a long time ago, and it didn’t go so well. Now, I am looking to write with another author again. I would like to write a romance story, but I just don’t want to sit at my computer and be the only one writing it. As I have another story and an upcoming story to focus on, I don’t have time to be truly dedicated to another story without me giving up on it. I’m not saying that I’m going to be lazy and not help write the story, but I just would like someone to help me. When I’m busy writing my stories, I would like someone to pitch in and help if they’re not busy. If you’re interested, please comment down below or DM me on Instagram @brianam.stories .

Thank you!

I can relate to this so much! I’ve always wanted to collaborate with another author but it never turned out well for me either. Anyways, I would love to collab with you!

My instagram is @ep.__darling, just so you know that it’s not some random stranger DMing you. :sweat_smile:

Anybody interested? I am open