Looking for a cool story title

Hey guys,

So, I had a new idea for a fantasy story. But I’m not quite sure if it’s a good idea and how I should name my story. So, I’m simply going to ask you what you think of my idea and if you have any story title ideas.

It’s basically about two different worlds. The real world, where the MC grew up, and the fairytale world. Where all the different characters from all the fairytales live. The MC finds out that she’s the daughter of Snow White and her friends are the children of Arielle, Belle and Cinderella.

16 years ago their parents sent them to the world of the humans because Snow Whites evil stepmother was still alive when they thought she was dead. She came back and wanted revenge. In the end she managed to put a curse on their world and take it over. Many tried to flee but didn’t survive. So, in order to save their children they sent them away. To a place where they thought they would be safe.

But this means that Melanie and her friends are only ones who could save the fairytale world and their parents. Also it’s the duty of all children of fairytale characters to live up to their legacy. That means relive their parents fairytales. While Melanie’s friends like the idea of becoming a princess she’s not really fond of it. She wishes for a normal life away from the fairytale world. Will she get it and abandon her true identity? Or will she become the queen she’s supposed to be?

That’s what I’ve got until now. I know it may sound a bit corny :laughing:

So, what do you think of that idea?

  • Amazing idea!
  • It’s a good idea
  • It’s okay
  • It’s a really bad idea

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Tell me your ideas for a story title by replying

Kinda reminded Once Upon a Time series :slight_smile: I liked the idea.


I think something like “Disney or not?”

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Yeah, that would be good. Thanks for the suggestion.

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I thought of Snow…What!?

(Play on Snow White lolol)

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Haha, that would be a funny title :wink::slightly_smiling_face:

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somthing like:

  • A real fairytale?
  • That one fairytale…
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