Looking for a really creative person who I can credit in a writers competition

Hello, Hi, Hola, Bonjour :smile:

I recently read a story on here which had the option to hold the screen a move it around? If you get my gist lol

Basically I would like to use the tame technique in my story but I havenā€™t the foggiest on how to even start. I can send you the pictures etc that I want to use.

But if you can either tell me how to do it, or do it for me either way you will be creditited and If I make it into the top 10 it will be because of you too :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance. And I look forward to hearing from whoever answers my worry

You are probably referring to a tappable + pannable choice


yeah you have to use the code

pannable [pan:3:hor] or replace ā€˜horā€™ with ā€˜verā€™

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Wow, that was so fast - thank you :pray:

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Thank you for responding, I really appreciate it!

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So letā€™s say I have a box which you are looking through, will the box be the back ground or the overlay?

I think I didnā€™t understand your question :sweat_smile:

Ah my bad! So the moveable background. The reader is looking through a box. So will the box be the background which you move around or will it be the overlay?

You move around the background! Overlays will stay where you put them

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