Looking for an Art friend to help!

Hi, my name is Henry and I am an artist who does computer animations at high school. Recently I got into episode and I want some art friends who do episode art to help teach me the basics of episode art! Please PM me if you’re interested :slight_smile:


Episode diamonds would love to help were a art group

Hi! Can you tell me more about your group? I would love to join thank you for the offer!

Can I see some examples for I can see what you need help with

I don’t have them on my phone right now… can i get back to you later once I get them?

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Ooh animation is cool. Welcome to the forums by the way! :grinning:


sure I put you on the list

we could take u at episode studio!

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We already took her

Thanks! I’m still learning and I’ve only taken the class one year, hopefully I’ll be taking it again next year tho :smiley:

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here is the chat

I’m a male. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: and also you did not take me


oh… Episode Studio doesn’t let members be in Episode Diamonds… personal reasons.

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would you like to join we have 1 boy on our team I think he feel comfotable having another boy

Thank you :joy:

Welcome :wave:

There are a few Youtube channels that show tutorials on Episode edits, aswell as threads and IG accounts. I have a step by step guide which I would gladly send you if you are interested (on the basis of Ibis Paint X).

@Rune.episode :clap: I know right, not a very appropriate way of speaking about someone.

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Wow, I would love that! Thanks! :smiley:

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I can help you :smile:

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Want some examples?