Looking for assistance with a script error

You can’t have duplicate labels within an episode. You need to change the names of all your labels present in an episode that show up as errors (as well as the name of their corresponding gotos).

Also, remember that you can have multiple gotos for a label : )

Maybe you copied and pasted a CC template twice (or more than twice) within your episode. If so, then that’s probably the reason why you’re getting errors since there are duplicate labels present :thinking:

You could go through all the CC templates in your episode and manually change the labels and gotos or you could check out this thread: Multiple Character Customization Templates (INK & Limelight)

From there, you should be able to get CC templates for more than 1 character and post them into your episode since there won’t be any duplicate labels (erase your previous CC templates first though to avoid any problems)

Good luck! :wink: :facepunch: