Looking for Background Artists

Looking for artist recommendations who I can commission for custom episode backgrounds for my story


  1. Must be good with Fantasy Genre Backgrounds
  2. Easily contactable via socials E.g. insta, forums or email.
  3. Pricing must be no greater than $100 (any currency) cause whilst artists most definitely deserve to be paid their worth, I personally cannot afford to be buying backgrounds from any higher ranges.
  4. Accepts Kofi or Paypal
  5. Has examples.

if anyone has any art friends who do background commissions they’d like to recommend feel free to do so. <3

hey, I take background commissions
Background post insta.

This is the pink to one of my post (of backgrounds)
I have more examples. tho U can contact me through insta or here.

I can’t edit backgrounds but I can definitely draw some if you are interested. I could help with art as well. If you are interested dm me here or on my ig @genisode

Catthegirl on Instagram and @amepisode do commissions, I’m pretty sure their commissions are open :slightly_smiling_face:

Heya guys just hoping on to update thanks for the suggestions I’ve now found an artist I’m planning to commission. <3