Looking for people to review my story

Hey everyone!
I’m looking for some people to review my story Streetlights which I’ve recently released. I just want to know how it’s being conceived by others and if there is anything in the plot that needs to be elaborated on and made clearer.
It would be great if some one would be down to just give it a quick read and review just as a way of clarify what could be improved in the story.
TITLE: Streetlights
AUTHOR: Chancey
STYLE: Limelight
DESCRIPTION: Life has never been easy for Lena Hall, but it was the life she chose, being a detective and all. But things get harder when her new partner joins the force, a string of strange murders take place and everyone starts dictating to her what her priorities should be. Will everything fall into place or out of line? CC *This story covers sensitive topics and content READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED *
GENRE: MYSTERY (also fits within the drama and romance genre but is predominantly a murder mystery story)
LINK: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5907559050248192

INSTAGRAM: chancey.episode
Thank you.
Chancey :two_hearts:


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