Looking for someone to edit/give feedback on my new story

hi !! i’ve been writing this story for awhile now, and i have around 3 1/2 chapters ready to go. i’m hoping to finish the fourth episode, then publish them all by new years.

i’m looking for someone to beta test, look for any coding errors, grammar errors, to give feedback on how i can improve each episode, and to help me organize my thoughts a bit more.

if anyone’s interested please dm me on instagram @ ashwritesepisode, or you can message me here on the forums (preferably instagram, but whatever works for you)

thank you !!


I am not sure, maybe @epi_summer can help!


Damn, I was confused with the both Ash’s :joy:

Here are some proofreaders!



heyy I do all of these just fill out the form here

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