Loving iris ⚔️ new fantasy/action story!

Hello all! I’m excited to announce my new story Loving Iris :crossed_swords: I have made a trailer:

It will be published tomorrow or today for some of you… 6/17/2020
Okay so here are the details :slight_smile:


Iris’s life has never been easy. What happens when she is thrown back in time during the rule of the ruthless King Caspian. Will she able to thaw his frozen heart?

Yes! There is customizing characters, no limited, full customization.
There is only ONE love interest. I repeat ONE.

GENRE: Fantasy/Action, but it will be under the fantasy genre.

I hope you all take the time of day to read it! Thanks so much!


Omg the trailer looks so fricking good!!! Def gonna check that out! :))

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Hello everyone! Loving Iris is now out on the episode app!
DESCRIPTION: Iris’s life has never been easy. What happens when she is thrown back in time during the rule of the ruthless King Caspian. Will she able to thaw his frozen heart?
GENRE: Fantasy🏰
Yes! There is full customization for the main character, Iris, and the love interest, Caspian.
There is one love interest.
Here is the trailer:

Here are some screenshots for some sneak peeks :slight_smile:

Make sure you take screenshots and post them on instgram. My instagram is julze.episode

I’ll make sure to give it read! :pleading_face: :heart: :sparkles:

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thank you so much! that means a lot to me :slight_smile:

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