Magicka Stories' Thoughts ✨ 31/03

Thank you very much :sweat_smile: I really hope to expand on Eric’s and the cubus friendship in my later chapters

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I’m sorry I came on too strong what I really meant was if you hadn’t already but I should have written that right away. Once again, sorry :sweat:

imo, that will,be a challenge with the knack Eric has to tell them what to do :joy:

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Thank you for the mention :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:

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Thank you for mentioning Nathaniel here. I’m glad that you have liked it. :heart_eyes:

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Bump :kissing_heart:

Ahhhhh! Say no more.

Thank you so much :sob: I’m so glad you like it!

I’m completely honoured :no_mouth:

Glad to have another on the riot team! :muscle:

I hope you’re okay! :blob_hearts: Thank you for making this great thread


Bump to keep it until the winners are announced :crossed_fingers:t5:


@Sydney_H please close this thread :purple_heart:

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Closed by OP request. :grinning: