Mata's Guides - for new writers and old ones

Codes that are useful- step by step

Simple codes

@char walks to

  • back far right/left
  • upscreen right/right
  • screen left/right/center
    You can choose to add time and animation and in this case it would look like:
    @CHAR walks to back far left in 2 (<- time) AND CHAR is/does it while walk_neutral (<- animation)
    @CHAR enters from left to screen right/left/center

If you want your character to just stand at a spot when the scene starts its simply:
&CHAR stands screen center/left/right

It works better with spot directing though which is down below.

spot directing/advanced coding

Okay so there are a lot of unique ways to use spot directing.

Character at a specific spot

Number 1
If you want your char at a specific spot you will simply

  1. Place your character somewhere on the screen by adding them anywhere in your script just for placement

@char stands screen left note: this is not permeant this is is just so the char is in the screen where you preview

  1. Once you char you have that code in you script click preview
  2. click on “show helpers”
  3. click on “spot directing”
  4. Make sure you are spot directing the right character by scrolling down a little bit and you should see who you are spotting.
  5. Now you can move your character to where you want.
    - And if you want to want to size your character you can look to the left and you should see “switch to scale” and click it to scale.
  6. When you have reached your desired spot, scroll down a little bit and copy the code into your script.

NOTE: Copy the full code
@CHAR spot 1.016 190 214 (<- x y z) in zone # AND CHAR moves to layer 0 AND CHAR is rear ← animation

You also have the option to change @ to &
Note: use & if you want the char to be standing in the scene when it starts

walking to a specific spot and background char
  1. Place your character somewhere on the screen by adding them anywhere in your script just for placement

@char stands screen left note: this is not permeant this is is just so the char is in the screen where you preview

  1. Once you char you have that code in you script click preview
  2. click on “show helpers”
  3. click on “spot directing”
  4. Make sure you are spot directing the right character by scrolling down a little bit and you should see who you are spotting.
  5. Now you can move your character to where you want.
    - And if you want to want to size your character you can look to the left and you should see “switch to scale” and click it to scale.
  6. When you have reached your desired spot, scroll down a little bit and copy the code into your script.
  7. Now before you do anything else, look at your code and inbetween CHAR and “spot”
    add "walks to "
    NOTE: Copy the full code
    @CHAR walks to spot 1.016 190 214 (<- x y z) in zone # (<- zone number) in 3 (<- time) AND CHAR moves to layer 0 AND CHAR is walk_neutral ← animation

I advise you to add the amount of seconds because the character will walk to fast other wise.

You also have the option to change @ to &
Note: use & if you want the char to be walking in the scene when it starts or if you just want them walking in the background while some characters speak

char doing things in the background
  1. Place your character somewhere on the screen by adding them anywhere in your script just for placement

@char stands screen left note: this is not permeant this is is just so the char is in the screen where you preview

  1. Once you char you have that code in you script click preview
  2. click on “show helpers”
  3. click on “spot directing”
  4. Make sure you are spot directing the right character by scrolling down a little bit and you should see who you are spotting.
  5. Now you can move your character to where you want.
    - And if you want to want to size your character you can look to the left and you should see “switch to scale” and click it to scale.
  6. When you have reached your desired spot, scroll down a little bit and copy the code into your script.
  7. Now before you do anything else, look at your code and inbetween CHAR and “spot”
    add "walks to "
    NOTE: Copy the full code
    &CHAR walks to spot 1.016 190 214 (<- x y z) in zone # (<- zone number) in 3 (<- time) AND CHAR moves to layer 0 AND CHAR is walk_neutral ← animation

I advise you to add the amount of seconds because the character will walk to fast other wise.
It will also make your life way easier if you use loop animations for the background char
Also if you are spot directing more than one char then put all codes on the same line.


&CHAR walks to spot 1.016 190 214 (<- x y z) in zone # (<- zone number) in 3 (<- time) AND CHAR moves to layer 0 AND CHAR is walk_neutral (<- animation) &CHAR walks to spot 1.016 190 214 (<- x y z) in zone # (<- zone number) in 3 (<- time) AND CHAR moves to layer 0 AND CHAR is walk_neutral ← animation



Overlays are a bit of a struggle for most people
So here are three ways you can do this

adding overlays in the middle of a scene

This one is pretty simple.
@overlay OVERLAY create
@overlay OVERLAY opacity 1 in 3 (the 3 is optional)

having an overlay already in the scene/basic directing
  1. Okay so basically you need to have your background already in your script
  2. then add “with” OVERLAY


NOTE: some people’s scrips do not work with just this code so some people may need to add

@overlay OVERLAY create
@overlay OVERLAY opacity 1 in 3 (the 3 is optional)


  1. once your character is placed in the scene, click preview
  2. then click “spot directing”
  3. then click on “change overlay”
  4. then spot direct you overlay - size it and move it
  5. then copy the full code and paste it into your script
spot directing your overlays

These instructions are VERY specific so please read and follow them correctly

Now if you want the overlay to appear in the middle of the scene and animate it in the middle of the scene, you first have to read the “hidden text” above on how to make your overlay appear in the middle of the scene

  1. Your overlay should be at the spot where you want it to start
    (this is your starting point)
    @overlay 6400842679386112_TITTLE shifts to 3 499 in zone #
    @overlay 6400842679386112_TITTLE scales to 0.259 0.259
    @overlay 6400842679386112_TITTLE moves to layer 0

  2. Now go and spot it to where you want it to end up.

  3. Add it to your script, it should look like this:
    (this is your ending point)

@overlay 6400842679386112_TITTLE shifts to 4 259 in zone # in (time) using (animation- look down below for the animations for overlays)
@overlay 6400842679386112_TITTLE scales to 0.294 0.294
@overlay 6400842679386112_TITTLE moves to layer 0

You can also change @ to & if you want people to be walking/talking during the overlay moveing

Animations for overlays

Picture credit to Liz - Im not sure if she has a forums acc but I think she is the maker of episode
But this is the link
click here

If you want more information on Overlays or if my explanation just did not make sense, you can look at @Dara.Amarie and this is her guide as well:

click here she goes more in debt with her explanations and I learned from her.

removing overlays

@overlay OVERLAY NAME clear

exiting/removing char

removing char in the middle of a scene
@remove CHAR ( I think you can also add time with this but I have never tried it)

Char exiting
@CHAR exits screen left/right


adding props
props include, food, gns, note books etc*
@add (prop name) {<- no parenthesis} to CHAR

removing props

@remove (prop name) {<- no parenthesis} from CHAR

how to access the props
Under the preview section you have to scroll down until you see the prop section and you choose what you want

text effects
  1. You can just scroll down under the preview section and then you just click on the effect you want
  2. Make sure you add the effect before the words you want to be “effected”

| bold , color:blue | LIFE

And if you have a full sentece but you only want one word out of the section to be “effected” you will

Just click the reset button under the text effects example:

Screenshot (23)

Example of what it should look like

What is | bold , color:blue | the meaning | reset | life .

filters and sound

**Filters **
(if you want this to start as soon as the scene starts)

  1. Go to the preview section and scroll down
  2. click on the filter you want
    and it should look like this

FILTER: Black and White

@set hsl 0 -100 0 no_colorize with blendMode NORMAL to 100%

Your filter will be enabled for every scene after this line

To turn off the filter, use “@reset hsl” or “@reset hsl in [# of seconds]”

NOTE: you can have a filter anywhere in the scene you want.


  1. write “sound” in your script on an empty line
  2. scroll down in the preview section and click on sounds
  3. then choose the sound you want, click on the sound you want and make sure your courser is on the same line as where you wrote sound

NOTE: you cant use @ or &


choice (The name of your choice) example (support_author) ← it has to have an underscore
GEMS:5 “What the button should say” {
What should happen if this choice is chosen

} “No, Im sorry, but I’ll support by reading (second choice)” {

    **What should happen if this choice is chosen**

Note: If you dont want your choice to have gems just remove the first part

choice (choice_name)
GEMS:5 “what you want the button to say” {


dialoug or animations

} “what you want your second button to say” {



Camera to follow char

Okay so basically, you direct your character to where you want her/him to go

  1. @char walks to spot x y z in s

then you use your camera and focus and/or zoom it to where the char stops. (Depending on if your character moved to a different zone, you may need to pan back to where your character was at first; note, you may or may not need to do this, not everyone will)

  1. @zoom on 0 0 to __% in s
  2. Make sure you included the same amount of time on both of the coding
  3. Make sure you change the @ on @zoom to &zoom
  4. Put &zoom on the line before the @Char
    &zoom on 0 0 to __% in 4
    @CHAR walks to spot x y z in 4 (optional) → AND CHAR is (animation) {no paranthesis}

Another tip:
If you want all this to happen but you still want your script to move on, just put & on both of them, although I don’t reccomend doing So because then there would be no point in all of the commands you just wrote

The difference between “@“ and “&”

The meaning of “&”
The & sign in a script is basically saying for the script to move on to the next line BUT still do the command
&pan to zone 3 In 6
@character walks to zone 3 in 6


&charecter walks to zone 3 in 4 AND CHAR is walk_neutral
&pan to zone 3 in 5

The “@“ sign means for the script to stay on that line, until the command is done.
@pause for 4
Your script will stay on that line until 4 beats had passed by.

outfit, hair & lipstick changes in the middle of a scene

Note: when making your outfit in the outfit section of the portal, your outfit name has to look like this:
Example: BUSINESS_outfit (the name after the “_” does not have to say “outfit” though, you just need something there)

How it should look in your script:
@CHAR changes into OUTFIT_name
@CHAR changes into BUSINESS_outfit

Lipstick change

Before doing anything in your script, go and see which lipstick color you want.

When you have that done, in your script you need to write:

@CHAR changes mouthColor into (mouth color)

@CHAR changes mouthColor into Red Deep Matte

Note: when writing down the lip color you have to put the exact name of the lipstick shade you want or else it will not work!

Also, the way I wrote “mouthColor” is not a typo, you have to write it exactly like that or else it will not work!

Hair changing

Before writing down anything, you need to go and see the exact name of the hair type/style you want

In your script write

@CHAR changes hair into (hair type/style)

Example: @CHAR changes hair into Sleek Ponytail

NOTE: write down the exact name of the hair style or else it will not work!!

Eye color

@CHAR changes eyesColor into (color name)

NOTE: write down the exact name of the eye color or else it will not work

different speech bubbles
box with character name on it

Make sure this is written in the semi middle of your script

Narrator (CHARNAME)
dialouge down here

Thinking bubbles

{FILLER} CHARNAME ( non- talking animation)
(speech must be inside of the parenthesis)
Note: you dont need the part where I said “filler” I just put that there for a visual of where your code should start

regular speech bubbles

{FILLER} CHARNAME ( talking animation)

Note: you dont need the part where I said “filler” I just put that there for a visual of where your code should start

NOTE: I’ll soon update this with the speech bubbles and how to code them and the different kinds// last updated: 3/30/21

This it for now. Feel free to use these tips when ever you want

My instagram is @vibezz.wmata if you want to follow it.
Also if you have any questions, feel free to ask me on forums but If you need a quicker reply, my Instagram is the best way to go!

If there is anything I missed or did not cover, you can feel free to contact me or @Dara.Amarie because like I mentioned I learned from her

For a more visual learning you can go on youtube and search up joseph evans and he does great on teaching.

Extra info I also do COMMISIONS if you want me to code a scene for you, weather it be school background scene, or if you just need help to code a scene or two

~Mata Writes :sparkles: :two_hearts:


This is really helpful for me! I always forget the little things

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Updated :smiley:


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Bump! ty for this

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Does it while command? I can’t figure out how to use it

Sorry I’m late, do you still need help with anything?

Bumping for others~

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