MC creating the characters and family

Please, Is there only one way to make the male characters be alike to the female ones?

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And also is there a problem with this:
@MUM changes hair color to grey
@MUM changes lip color to purple

You have to write hairColor and lipColor without spaces in between

It still didn;t work

Are you using INK?

Also when I let the reader customize their brother it goes all wrong. When I click customize a character and I am done the MC comes in again then it repeats and also when I am done customizing the brother it sends me to the MC place. I actually do not know how to explain it so
#MUM stands screen center in zone 3
#DAD stands screen center in zone 3

@YOU changes into YOU_default

@cut to zone 2

@YOU stands screen center AND YOU faces left
So… what’s your name?
label first_name_input
input What’s Your First Name?|What’s Your First Name?|Done(NAME)
if (NAME is “”) {
You do need a name.
goto first_name_input
} else {

label changing_appearance

So [NAME], what's your look?

“Customize character”{

@YOU goes to character avatar

goto changing_appearance

“Use profile avatar”{

@YOU becomes female profile

goto changing_appearance

“I look perfect”{


@YOU exits right

@pause for a beat

@CHARLIE enters from right to screen center

[NAME], Can you customize your brother too make him look like you

“Customize character”{

@CHARLIE goes to character avatar

goto changing_appearance

“He looks perfect”{


@MUM becomes YOU
@MUM changes eyebrows into Arched Natural
@MUM changes face into Heart Mature
@MUM changes eyes into Deepset Downturned
@MUM changes mouth into Medium Heart Natural
@MUM changes hair into Classic Bob
@MUM changes nose into Grecian Soft
@MUM changes into MUM_default

@DAD becomes CHARLIE
@DAD changes eyebrows into Round Soft
@DAD changes face into Chiseled Square Stubble Shaved
@DAD changes eyes into Male Deep Sunken
@DAD changes mouth into Medium Straight Natural
@DAD changes hair into Tousled Loose Curls Long
@DAD changes nose into Hooked Grecian
@DAD changes into DAD_default

@CHARLIE exits left

@transition fade out black 1

no limelight

nvm about the hair color i will try again but I really have a problem about the other one


I can help with this bit I think
@MUM changes hairColor into Gray
@MUM changes lipColor into Purple Deep Gloss

although I don’t know what shade of purple you want but you have to put the actual name of the colour you want and you have to put into like I did just above color has to have capital C like I’ve shown with no space between hair/lip and Color, hope this helps.

I’m not really sure on the other

now it says it is not a correct directing command

Ok, hmm I tried it on mine and showing the same warning :thinking:

so what do I do?

Maybe send in a ticket to episode I’m not sure why it’s not working :thinking:

@MUM changes hairColor into Gray works

but not sure why

@MUM changes lipColor into Purple Deep Gloss doesn’t :thinking:

Okay but since I am new how do u do that

This should be of help.



it has to be @MUM changes mouthColor into Purple Deep Gloss
Not lipColor.
I think I’ve answered the other bit on a separate thread of yours :slight_smile:

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@LyraKeiken you’re correct, damn I feel stupid for not realizing :sweat: :woman_facepalming:

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THANK YOU SO MUCH I really needed it

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