Mini Games tutorial

Does anyone know how to do the mini games?

I need like a game they can play on one scene to find clues or evidence?

Or maybe someone has a template for me.

Thanks in advance :cherry_blossom::heart:

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Iā€™ve been watching this All morning donā€™t get me wrong it works fine but I need the readers to find both pieces of evidence in just 1 scene if that makes sence. . As when I code it the way he has it only letā€™s them choose one tappable then caries on with the story. When I need them to tap both before carrying on. :weary::weary:

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Then youā€™ll need to use labels. Iā€™ll also recommend working with character points in mini games like this so that the script counts and ā€˜knowsā€™ that reader found all the evidence. Itā€™ll look something like this:

label mini_game (<- or whatever you want to name it)
if (CHARACTER=2) {
goto end_mini_game
}else continue
ā€œEVIDENCE1ā€ {
You found a piece of evidence!
@ CHARACTER +1 (<- counting 1/2 of the items)
goto mini_game
}ā€œEVIDENCE2ā€ {
You found a piece of evidence!
goto mini_game

label end_mini_game
Congratulations! You found both pieces of evidence.

Hope this helps :slight_smile: If you need more help, lmk


Iā€™ll try this and let you know, thank you, :heart::cherry_blossom:

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@Martini_98 this was really helpful. Some things needed deleting and moving around but it works :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Thank you :cherry_blossom::heart:

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Great! :slight_smile:

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